High Energy Physics高能物理硕士,学制为2年,与巴黎综合理工学院的合作项目,在ETH Zurich注册费为CHF 730/学期,在巴黎综合理工学院注册费为245欧元/学年,两年的学费为11000欧元,但是可获得学费减免,第一年可减免学费90%,第二年可减免80%。申请截止日期12月15日) Interdisciplinary Sciences 跨学科科学硕士(化学、物理...
We are looking for a proactive and motivated individual who meets the requirements for a position at ETH Zurich and has a doctoral degree in chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics or process engineering from a recognized university. Ideally, you already have strong experience in the me...
I finished a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from McGill University and I'm looking to apply to ETH Zurich for an MSc in MTEC. I got a 165Q, 161V and 4 AW on my GRE. My GPA wasn't great; 3.1 which still puts me above average at my school, but McGill isn't known for having ...
Focuses on the inauguration of chemistry building of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland. Demonstrations on commitment of EBH to chemistry; Physical description of the edifice; Historical background of ETH; Details on other expansion plans of ETH for chemistry ...
Shih (CV), who will be joining Institute for Chemical and Bioengineering at ETH Zurich as a ...
would like to recruit one PhD student, starting from 2015 May. Shih Lab at ETH Zurich will be focused on the intersection of the following fields: (a) Nanomaterials Growth and Mechanisms (b) Interfacial Science and Engineering (c) Organic and polymer electronics ...
5、Biomedical Engineering; 6、Biotechnology; 7、Chemical and Bioengineering; 8、Chemistry; 9、Comparativeand International Studies; ……… ETH Zurich的费用是每学期学费580CHF(瑞士法郎),学杂费64CHF,一般的硕士课程是三个学期就可以完成。可见学费...
Chemical and Bioengineering 化学与生物工程硕士 Chemistry 化学硕士 Computational Science and Engineering(跨学科项目)计算科学与工程硕士, 包括以下方向: -Astrophysics 天体物理学; -Physics of the Atmosphere 大气物理学; -Chemistry and...
Engineering Sciences 工程学领域 Biomedical Engineering 生物医学工程学硕士 2年 包括以下方向: 要求GRE Analytical部分3.5或50%;Quantitative部分165或90%;Verbal部分155或70%. -Bioimaging生物成像; -Bioelectronics生物电子学; -Biomechanics生物机械学; -Molecular Bioengineering分子生物工程; ...
Zurich,Switzerland PhD Position in Decarbonizing the Future of the Chemical Industry PhD Position in Decarbonizing the Future of the Chemical IndustryThe Ecological Systems Design Group at ETH Zürich is an internationally leading research group in the field of modelling and improvi... ...