计算化学博士后研究人员 Prof. Sereina Riniker's group forComputational Chemistryat the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry is interested in the development of methodology for classicalmoleculardynamics simulations and cheminformatics, and in the application to address challenging biological and chemical questions....
苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zürich)是世界最著名的理工大学之一,享有“欧陆第一名校”的美誉,并与麻省理工学院、加州理工学院、伦敦帝国理工学院并称世界四大理工学院。 该校创立于1855年,现有530位教授及来自于120多个国家的分布于16个系的20600多名学生,其中包括约4000名博士生。苏黎世联邦理工学院和洛桑联邦理工学院可以...
Important note for the applicantAn application to the MSc programme CSE at ETH Zurich is pointless, unless your academic record clearly states that you had an education (course) in 官网说的很明白,如果没有这些先修课就pointless了,没有意义了。 basic mathematics (calculus and linear algebra)基础数学...
Design++, the Center for Augmented Computational Design in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction at ETH Zurich, aims to develop digitally augmented design tools and computational processes that will enable experts to simultaneously increase construction productivity, improve the quality of the built en...
-Chemistry 化学; -Fluid Dynamics流体动力学; -ControlTheory 控制理论; -Robotics机器人技术; -Physics物理学; -Computational Finance 计算金融 -Electromagnetics电磁学; High Energy Physics高能物理硕士,学制为2年,与巴黎综合理工学院的合作项目,在ETH Zurich注册费为CHF 730/学期,在巴黎综合理工学院注册费为245欧元...
High Energy Physics高能物理硕士,学制为2年,与巴黎综合理工学院的合作项目,在ETH Zurich注册费为CHF 649/学期,在巴黎综合理工学院注册费为245欧元/学年,两年的学费为11000欧元,但是可获得学费减免,第一年可减免学费90%,第二年可减免80%...
In addition, a wide range of computational resources for regional and climate modelling are available in our group and at ETH Zurich. 2 Tasks The main objectives of the PhD position will be: 1) Assess the cloud phase and radiative forcing in the mixed-phase regime with the global climate mo...
ETH Zurich is one of the world’s leading universities specialising in science and technology. It is renowned for its excellent education, cutting-edge fundamental research and direct transfer of new knowledge into society. ...
Every year at ETH Zurich, hundreds of students learn the fundamentals of mathematics through lectures and exercises. Now, their lecturers are also setting them practise sequences on the computer. A good solution’s secret Siddhartha Mishra has been awarded this year's Rössler Prize for his rese...
-Chemistry 化学; -Fluid Dynamics 流体动力学; -Control Theory 控制理论; -Robotics 机器人技术; -Physics 物理学; -Computational Finance 计算金融 -Electromagnetics 电磁学; High Energy Physics高能物理硕士,学制为2年,与巴黎综合理工学院的合作项目,在ETH Zurich注册费为CHF 730/学期,在巴黎综合理工学院注册费...