RX_CLK:数据接收时钟线。标称速率为10Mbit/s时为2.5MHz;速率为100Mbit/s时为25MHz。RMII接口没有该线。 TX_EN:数据发送使能。在整个数据发送过程保存有效电平。 TXD[3:0]或TXD[1:0]:数据发送数据线。对于MII有4位,RMII只有2位。只有在TX_EN处于有效电平数据线才有效。 CRS:载波侦听信号,由PHY芯片负责驱动...
RMII_RXERR in 1 Receive error, optional RMII_TXEN out 1 Transmit enable RMII...
The examples should run and compile on any MCU that has an 802.3 compatible PHY capable of generating the required 50 MHz clock signal connected to the default RMII pins. The examples use defmt and defmt_rtt for logging, and panic_probe over defmt_rtt for printing panic backtraces. Alterna...
RMII接口没有该线。 RX_CLK:数据接收时钟线。标称速率为10Mbit/s时为2.5MHz;速率为100Mbit/s时为25MHz。RMII接口没有该线。 TX_EN:数据发送使能。在整个数据发送过程保存有效电平。 TXD[3:0]或TXD[1:0]:数据发送数据线。对于MII有4位,RMII只有2位。只有在TX_EN处于有效电平数据线才有效。 CRS:载波...
The examples should run and compile on any MCU that has an 802.3 compatible PHY capable of generating the required 50 MHz clock signal connected to the default RMII pins. The examples use defmt and defmt_rtt for logging, and panic_probe over defmt_rtt for printing panic backtraces. Alterna...
The examples should run and compile on any MCU that has an 802.3 compatible PHY capable of generating the required 50 MHz clock signal connected to the default RMII pins. The examples usedefmtanddefmt_rttfor logging, andpanic_probeoverdefmt_rttfor printing panic backtraces. ...
The examples should run and compile on any MCU that has an 802.3 compatible PHY capable of generating the required 50 MHz clock signal connected to the default RMII pins. The examples usedefmtanddefmt_rttfor logging, andpanic_probeoverdefmt_rttfor printing panic backtraces. ...