Nationaler Zukunftstag Digitaltag ETH Studieninformationstage ETH Unterwegs Besuche / Visits Erstsemestrigentag Verein der Informatikstudierenden CSNOW - Network of Women in Computer Science Master's Degree Celebration Department Events Official DINFK pictures - request PW ...
The University Children's Hospital Zurich and the Department of Computer Science ETH are looking for a joint Postdoctoral Researcher starting by agreement. 苏黎世大学儿童医院和ETH计算机科学系正在寻找一名联合博士后研究员,由协议开始。 Project background Rare diseases affect 400 million people worldwide, an...
The Department of Computer Science is offering a Graduate Teaching Assistantships for January 2025 entry to its PhD studies in Computer Science. We are looking for an applicant with a keen interest and competency in pursuing doctoral studies in the area of Computer Vision and Computational Imaging ...
The Department of Computer Science is offering a Graduate Teaching Assistantships for January 2025 entry to its PhD studies in Computer Science. We are looking for an applicant with a keen interest and competency in pursuing d...
to gain their first research experience in an area of their choice. The fellowship provided by the Computer Science Department of ETH takes place during two summer months and is open to all students worldwide. The department is committed to increasing diversity in the computer science area. ...
The Department of Computer Science is offering a Graduate Teaching Assistantships for January 2025 entry to its PhD studies in Computer Science. We are looking for an applicant with a keen interest and competency in pursuing doctoral studies in the area of Computer Vision and Computational Imaging ...
Master's in Computer Science VH 2024 offer 项目介绍 ETH的计算机硕士在计算机科学的几个核心领域提供深刻而深入的教育。该课程指导每个学生通过各种课程提供从事有意义的方向,并设计一个与个人倾向和未来职业机会相匹配的个人档案。硕士学位课程将理论和实践相结合,为学生提供全面的教育。
普渡大学PhD in Computer Science计算机科学博士Department of Computer Science 苏黎世联邦理工学院和普渡大学简介 苏黎世联邦理工学院 苏黎世联邦理工学院(德语:Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich,简称ETH Zürich或ETHZ,是瑞士的两所联邦理工学院之一,位于德语区的苏黎世,另一所是位于法语区的洛桑联邦理工学院。
Department of Computer Science Institute for Machine Learning ETH Zurich Our research focus We developalgorithmsandmachine learningapproaches to address the following questions: Determine the role of epigenetic remodeling in oncogenic transformation Investigate the consequences of somatic genomic alterations on ...
Computer Science 计算机科学硕士 2年,包括以下方向: -Data Management Systems 数据管理系统 -Machine Intelligence 机器智能 -Secure and Reliable Systems 安全可靠的系统 -Visual and Interactive Computing 可视化和交互式计算 -Theoretical Com...