但是研究了csranking。感觉整体上牛津还是和edinburgh有差距,更不用说和eth zurich比了。
Every year at ETH Zurich, hundreds of students learn the fundamentals of mathematics through lectures and exercises. Now, their lecturers are also setting them practise sequences on the computer. A good solution’s secret Siddhartha Mishra has been awarded this year's Rössler Prize for his rese...
Fumiya Iida is a university lecturer at the University of Cambridge since 2014. Previously he was an assistant professor for bio-inspired robotics at ETH Zurich (2009-2014). He received his bachelor and master degrees in mechanical engineering at Tokyo University of Science (Japan, 1999), and ...
After a post-dostoral stay at the ETH Zurich he joined Wacker’sCentralR&Ddepartmentin1999. wacker.com wacker.com 1999年,苏黎世联邦理工学院博士后出站后,他加入了瓦克中央研发部门。 wacker.com wacker.com [...] ($52,000) and will work closely with other ...
看到了显然是不合理的…我就想到了证明里到处都是It's clear that xxxx It's trivial that xxxx The...
剑桥 帝国理工 圣安德鲁斯 布里斯托 杜伦 南安普顿 今年牛津居然直接没了。
QS给四项指标分配的比重:只把题主列出的三个大学拿出来比较,CMU的academic reputation, UCB的citations...