网络蚀刻速率 网络释义 1. 蚀刻速率 其影响被蚀刻物之蚀刻速率(etchingrate)的因素有三:蚀刻液浓度、蚀刻液温度、及搅拌(stirring)之有无. 定性而言,增加蚀刻温度 …|基于3个网页
rate n. 1.[C]比例,率;比率 2.速度,速率 3.[C]费用,价格;行市 4.[U]等级 5.【英】地方税 6. 责骂,怒斥 v. [T] 1.对...估价;对...评价 2. deep etching 深侵蚀,强腐蚀 macro etching 【机】 肉眼可见腐蚀试验 electro etching 电解浸蚀 contour etching 外形腐蚀 after etching 残余腐蚀...
二者之中孰者费时较长,整个蚀刻之快慢也卡在该者,故有所谓「reaction limited」与「diffusion limited」两类蚀刻之分。 1、湿蚀刻 最普遍、也是设备成本最低的蚀刻方法,其设备如图2-10所示。其影响被蚀刻物之蚀刻速率 (etching rate) 的因素有三:蚀刻液浓度、...
The etching ability of an etchant for a metal part is monitored by accurately measuring the etching rate with a relatively simple arrangement. The etching rate is determined by channelling a portion of the etchant from an etching tank (4) to a reaction chamber (1), etching a specimen (8)...
1) local etching rate 定域蚀除率 2) Material Removal Rate (MRR) 蚀除率 3) the stable erosion ratio 稳定侵蚀率 4) corrosion rate measuring device 腐蚀速率测定器 5) etching to frequency 腐蚀到规定频率 6) rated power section 额定功率区域 ...
2-4.蚀刻率(Etching Rate)与均匀性(Uniformity): 蚀刻率与均匀性是蚀刻性能优异与否的依据之一, 蚀刻率愈快,表示产量愈大. 但是,并不代表快就是好,适当的蚀刻速率只是制程能力表现的其中一项指针. 均匀性指的是芯片不同位置的相对表现差异.一般除了within wafer 均匀性之外,还有within lot, lot to lot 之均匀...
etching rate 侵蚀速度 etching residue 腐蚀残渣 mat etching 毛面蚀刻 相似单词 etching n. 蚀刻版画,铜版画,蚀刻术 deep etching 深侵蚀,强腐蚀 macro etching 【机】 肉眼可见腐蚀试验 contour etching 外形腐蚀 electro etching 电解浸蚀 after etching 残余腐蚀 freeze etching 冷冻刻蚀,冷冻刻蚀术...
PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide an etching rate control monitor which controls the progress of etching of Si and SiO2 in a chemical, such as hydrofluoric acid or ammonium fluoride in which Si and SiO2 are dissolved, by a measurement method which is independent of the component concentrations ...
5) Etching rate 腐蚀速率 1. The error of etching rate between the existing model and the experimental data increases with etching time. 本文提出了一个修正模型,在修正模型中:HF的扩散系数是浓度和温度的函数;腐蚀速率常数是温度的函数;此外还考虑了腐蚀产物对腐蚀过程的影响。 2. To predict the ...
7. Theoretically, the experimental formula of ion beam etching rate has been corrected, as a result the application field is extended. 内容简述如下:理论方面:修正了传统的离子束溅射刻蚀速率的经验公式,扩展了它的适用范围。 8. Etching of graphical elements on silicon wafer has been proceeded, and th...