你可以使用以下两个命令之一来查看etcd集群的状态: 使用etcdctl cluster-health命令: sh etcdctl cluster-health 此命令将输出集群中每个成员的健康状态,包括成员ID、IP地址和端口号,以及健康状态(如healthy或unhealthy)。 使用etcdctl endpoint status命令: sh etcdctl endpoint status 此命令将输出每个端点的状态,包括...
etcd在键的组织上采用了层次化的空间结构(类似于文件系统中目录的概念),用户指定的键可以为单独的名字,如:testkey,此时实际上放在根目录/下面,也可以为指定目录结构,如/cluster1/node2/testkey,则将创建相应的目录结构。 3.1 键操作 set 指定某个键的值。例如:etcdctlput/testdir/testkey"Helloworld" get 获取...
error #0: client: endpointhttp:// header timeout error#1: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused @JasonNum1first of allcluster-healthis v2 command, tryendpoint health. Also notice below you need to pass the endpoints of the cluster to etcdctl otherwise ...
集群查看:使用`etcdctl cluster-health`命令检查集群健康状况,`etcdctl cluster-status`命令显示集群的详细状态。集群成员操作:使用`etcdctl member-list`查看当前集群的成员列表。若要删除成员,执行`etcdctl member-del`命令并提供成员ID。若要添加成员,先确保新节点的`data.etcd`目录已清理,然后执行`et...
etcdctl member list;etcdctl member add 实例;etcdctl member remove 实例;etcdctl member update 实例。 etcdctl cluster-health[检查集群健康状态] 2.3. 常用配置参数设置配置文件,默认为/etc/etcd/etcd.conf。配置参数参数说明 配置参数 参数说明 -name 节点名称 -data-dir 保存日志和快照的目录,默认为当前工作目录...
$ etcdctl cluster-healthmember ce2a822cea30bfca is healthy: got healthy result from http://localhost:2379cluster is healthy 支持的选项包括--forever,每隔10秒钟检查一次,直到手动终止(通 过Ctrl+C命令)。 2.3 member 通过list、add、remove等子命令列出、添加、删除Etcd实例到Etcd集 群中。 例如本地启动...
2. cluster-health check the health of the etcd cluster 3. mk make a new key with a given value 4. mkdir make a new directory 5. rm remove a key or a directory 6. rmdir removes the key if it is an empty directory or a key-value pair ...
etcd server version /opt/bin/etcd --version etcd version 2.0.9 etcd client version /usr/local/bin/etcdctl --version etcdctl version 2.0.9 Start a 3 node etcd cluster vmrun list Total running VMs: 3 /Users/kelseyhightower/Documents/Virtua...
./etcdctl endpoint --cluster health # is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 1.060091ms # is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = 903.138µs # is healthy: successfully committed proposal: took = ...
3、查看集群状态 [root@localhost etcd-v3.3.10-linux-amd64]#./etcdctl cluster-healthmember 4c14bc06668e9505 is healthy: got healthy result from 57bf4d2527966724 is healthy: got healthy result from a11e107c0081dbf8 is healthy...