1. set 2. get 3. update 4. mk 5. rm 6. watch 7. exec-watch 8. mkdir 9. rmdir 11. setdir 12. updatedir 非数据类操作 1. backup 2. cluster-health 3. member 4. role 5. user 6. auth etcdctl命令全局选项参数 etcd命令预览 etcd支持的命令大体上可以分为两类,数据类操作、非数据类操...
[root@master etcd]# etcdctl --endpoints= cluster-healthmember 19f45ab624e135d5ishealthy: got healthy resultfromhttp:// 8b1773c5c1edc4a3ishealthy: got healthy resultfromhttp:// be69fc1f2a25ca22ishealthy: got healthy resultfromh...
[root@etcd-0-8 ~]# etcdctl cluster-health member 2d2e457c6a1a76cb is healthy: got healthy result from member 56e0b6dad4c53d42 is healthy: got healthy result from member d2d2e9fc758e6790 is healthy: got healthy result from http://127.0....
error #0: client: endpointhttp:// header timeout error#1: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused @JasonNum1first of allcluster-healthis v2 command, tryendpoint health. Also notice below you need to pass the endpoints of the cluster to etcdctl otherwise ...
etcd server version /opt/bin/etcd --version etcd version 2.0.9 etcd client version /usr/local/bin/etcdctl --version etcdctl version 2.0.9 Start a 3 node etcd cluster vmrun list Total running VMs: 3 /Users/kelseyhightower/Documents/Virtua...
etcdctl cluster-health ``` 这行代码用来检查etcd集群的健康状态,确保etcd集群正常运行。 4. 写入数据到etcd ``` etcdctl put key value ``` 这行代码用来向etcd中写入数据,key表示键值对的键,value表示键值对的值。 5. 从etcd中读取数据 ```
etcd在键的组织上采用了层次化的空间结构(类似于文件系统中目录的概念),用户指定的键可以为单独的名字,如:testkey,此时实际上放在根目录/下面,也可以为指定目录结构,如/cluster1/node2/testkey,则将创建相应的目录结构。 3.1 键操作 set 指定某个键的值。例如:etcdctlput/testdir/testkey"Helloworld" get 获取...
静态发现: 预先已知etcd集群中有哪些节点,在启动时通过–initial-cluster参数直接指定好etcd的各个节点地址。 etcd动态发现:通过已有的etcd集群作为数据交互点,然后在扩展新的集群时实现通过已有集群进行服务发现的机制。比如官方提供的:discovery.etcd.io ...
[root@master1 ssl]# etcdctl cluster-health failed to check the healthofmember 1d6f3edf4016ed5d on signed by unknown authority member 1d6f3edf4016ed5d is unreachable:[]are all unr...
[root@localhost etcd-cert]# /opt/etcd/bin/etcdctl --ca-file=ca.pem --cert-file=server.pem --key-file=server-key.pem --endpoints=",," cluster-health ...