In this case report, a male patient with schizophrenia and KS is presented and discussed in the light of the literature.Bakim, BahadirTürkyilmaz, ErsinKaramustafalioglu, OguzTankaya, OnurGksan Yavuz, BurcuDusunen Adam: Journal of Psychiatry & Neurological Sciences...
问题描述:正常每个月26号来月经,这个月前面同房都戴了避孕套,21号同房没戴避孕套,今天27号了月经没来,有怀孕可能吗(女,24岁) 病情分析:安全期并不是绝对安全,所以如果有未采取避孕措施的性生活,仍有怀孕可能的,但几率较小的。月经提前或推迟7天是正常的,可以再等等。女性的月经是受很多因素影响,如精神因素,情...
Studies of shared genes by both disorders were also reported. In this case report, a male patient with schizophrenia and KS is presented and discussed in the light of the literature.EBSCO_AspDusunen Adam Journal of Psychiatry & Neurological Sciences...