Enco Miljö公司成立于1972年,在瑞典的斯莫兰县安德什托普(Anderstorp, Småland),最开始只是一个较小规模的辅助设备代工制造工厂。1977年,一位名叫博斯•林德克维斯特(Bosse Lindkvist)的年轻人在自家农场工作时遭遇了一场拖拉机事故,事故造成了脊柱损伤,但他活跃的天性与当时的轮椅产品格格不入,很快博斯...
Innovative products that promote the individual’s abilities and support caregivers in their daily work through high quality and user-friendly functionality.
Michael Wirzberger, CEO of Etac AB, said: “The sale of Etac Bil is a natural step in focusing on our core business, and we consider ASG to be the right long-term owner of Etac Bil. The transaction will benefit both employees, customers and suppliers. ASG will be able to continue to...
At Etac you can pursue an interesting career journey while being part of a rewarding end goal – to improve people’s quality of life.
Etac Ab 美国海关记录适用于此业务及所有其他工厂出口美国的海关记录。访问我们的网站可查看美国的完整进出口历史记录,包括来自中国的记录。 Call ImportGenius 加入ImportGenius,可以查看美国每个公司的进出口活动。 跟踪您的竞争对手,获取货运代理,执行独家协议,了解有关您的海外工厂的更多信息,等等。 即刻注册。
With its gentle lines and soft shapes, Etac My-Loo Fixed combines aesthetics with comfort at a high level and blends harmoniously into any bathroom. 参与人士 Manufacturer: Etac AB, Kista, Sweden Design: Myra Industriell Design AB, Stina Juhlin, Magnus Olsson, Stockholm, Sweden www.etac.com www...
申请人名称:Etac AB 暂无 申请/注册号:G804495 申请日期:2003-07-30 国际分类:08-手工器械 申请人名称:Etac AB 同名/同音商标 暂无 ETAC 国际分类:42-网站服务 申请人名称:东莞市康普医疗科技有限公司 暂无 ETAC 国际分类:42-网站服务 申请人名称:东莞市康普医疗科技有限公司 暂无 ETAC 国际分类:42-网站服务...
4级 WESTAR ETAC ULTRA 2.0 货号: XLS075,0100 品牌: Cyanagen 产品简介 别名超敏ECL发光液 储存条件RT 规格2*50ML 2*100ML 联系我们 电话:021-50837765 手机:15221999938 邮箱:sales@jinpanbio.com 联系我们 Whatman官网 Whatman滤纸 电话:021-50837765 ...
品牌:abinScience 产地:France 样本:NA Research Grade Azirkitug() 价格: ¥2600/盒 产品详情:Sensitivity nan Range nan Recovery nan Background nan Alternative Names CAS: 2837169-12-5 Shipping nan Target CD198 包装规格:96T 用途:供科研使用 货号:HW444106 品牌:abinScience 产地:France 样本:NA 抗...
Assignee: Etac AB (Kista, SE) Primary Class: D06/362 International Classes: (IPC1-7): 0601 Field of Search: D6/334-336, D6/362, D6/368, D6/374, D6/375, D6/716, D6/716.1, D6/716.4, D23/304 View Patent Images: Download PDF D729537 US Patent References: D627571 Bath ...