Homunculus Nebula is surrounding the star system Eta Carinae. The nebula is embedded within a much larger ionized hydrogen region, which is the Carina Nebula. Homunculus is believed to have been ejected in a huge outburst from Eta Carinae in 1841, so brightly to be visible from Earth. This ...
船底座伊塔星(Eta Carinae)可能即将爆炸!然而却没有人知道它会发生于何时?一年后?或一百万年后?船底座伊塔星的质量约是 太阳的100倍,它有足够的分量产生一次非凡的超新星爆炸。根据历史的记载,大约在150年前的一次不平常的爆发,使得船底座伊塔星成为南半球夜空中最亮的几颗星之一。在钥使孔星云(Keyhole Nebula)中...
This page contains an image of the NGC 3372 (Caldwell 92) or Eta Carinae Nebula from the Caldwell Catalog of deep sky objects.
船底座伊塔星(Eta Carinae)可能即将爆炸!然而却没有人知道它会发生于何时?一年后?或一百万年后?船底座伊塔星的质量约是 太阳的100倍,它有足够的分量产生一次非凡的超新星爆炸。根据历史的记载,大约在150年前的一次不平常的爆发,使得船底座伊塔星成为南半球夜空中最亮的几颗星之一。在钥使孔星云(Keyhole Nebula)中...
简介:Panoramic view of the WR 22 and Eta Carinae regions of the Carina Nebula。This spectacular panoramic view combines a new image of the field around the Wolf–Rayet star WR 22 in the Carina Nebula (right) with an earlier picture of the region around the unique star Eta Carinae in the...
Optical image of Eta Carinae. Credit: NASA/STScI/ESA ‘Eta Carinae’ is an extraordinary star that has fascinated mankind for decades. It’s surrounded by an expanding ‘Homunculus nebula’, shaped like an hourglass. This nebula was expelled in an energetic explosion called the ‘Great...
Eta Carinae, in the Keyhole Nebula, is the only star currently thought to emit natural LASER light. This featured image brings out details in the unusual nebula that surrounds this rogue star. Diffraction spikes, caused by the telescope, are visible as bright multi-colored streaks emanating from...
We present thermal infrared images of the bipolar nebula surrounding 畏 Carinae at six wavelengths from 4.8 to 24.5 渭m. These were obtained with the MIRAC3 camera system at the Magellan Observatory. Our images reveal new intricate structure in the bright core of the nebula, allowing us to re...
I review recent observational results concerning the structure, kinematics, mass, and dust properties of the Homunculus nebula around η Carinae. The review is biased toward observations at infrared wavelengths, because IR wavelengths are uniquely well-suited for deciphering the nebular structure, and I...
We present XMM-Newton observations of the luminous star Eta Carinae, including a high resolution soft X-ray spectrum of the surrounding nebula obtained with the Reflection Grating Spectrometer. The EPIC image of the field around Eta Car shows many early-type stars and diffuse emission from hot, ...