The Eta Carinae nebula, NGC3372Carina constellationEducation
The Keyhole nebula - inside Eta Carinaalpal
ISM: individual objects: Eta Carinaopen clusters and associations: generalX-rays: binariesThe massive binary system Eta Carinae and the surrounding H ii complex, the Carina nebula, are potential particle acceleration sites from which very high energy (VHE; E≥ 100 GeV) -ray emission could be ...
The remarkable, interrelated stellar and nebular constituents of η Carinae's habitat, the giant Carina Nebula (NGC 3372), are reviewed. They are relevant to the interpretation of η Car itself. They include some of the hottest and most massive O stars......
Eta Carinae, peculiar red star and nebula about 7,500 light-years from Earth in the southern constellation Carina and now known to be a binary star system. It is one of a small class of stars called luminous blue variables. The English astronomer Sir Edm