在使用Stata进行回归分析时,遇到“estimation result reg not found”这样的错误通常表明Stata无法找到之前存储的回归结果。以下是一些可能导致此错误的原因以及相应的解决步骤: 回归结果未正确存储: 确保你在执行回归命令后使用了est store来存储结果,并且指定了一个唯一的结果标识符(例如reg)。 示例代码: stata reg...
Hi All, Stata issues an error message saying "last estimation results not found, nothing to store" when I try to store estimation results from an estimation command I wrote. However, when I type -ereturn list-, all the saved scalars, matrices, macros and so on show up. Stephens Jenkins ...
estimation result saved on disk as notcurrent.ster to the forecast model forecast estimates using notcurrent, number(2) Menu Statistics > Time series > Forecasting 1 2 forecast estimates — Add estimation results to a forecast model Syntax Add estimation result currently in memory to model ...
The findings demonstrate that both approaches result in significantly different estimations of infertility, with the demographic approach resulting in a lower prevalence of infertility than the CD approach. However, the patterns of primary and secondary infertility were similar, with secondary infertility ...
As a result, for a given model, the variance component estimates sum to 1 (representing 100% of the variance in the residualized phenotype). For ease of interpretation and comparison to previous literature, in this paper the term “heritability estimate” refers to the percent of residualized ...
Primary endpoint was the proportion of cycles with uCrCl < 50 ml/min/1.73m2 and eGFR ≥ 50 ml/min/1.73m2 (i.e. a “false negative” result when only determining eGFR). The primary endpoint occurred in 8 of 470 cisplatin cycles (1.7%, 95%CI 0.5–2.9). In all 8 events, ...
confirmation of infection using diagnostic tests such as chest x-ray or CT-scan, Reverse Transcription-Poly- merase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) result, rapid test or serological tests, the patient's signs and symptoms at the time of secondary infection, history of COVID-19 vac- cine injections,...
estimation uncertainty arising from not knowing β and α perfectly – an unavoidable consequence of having a finite number of observations; and fundamental uncertainty represented by the stochastic component as a result of unobservable factors that may influence the dependent variable but are not include...
We have foundbootstrapparticularly useful in obtaining estimates of the standard errors of quantile-regression coefficients. Stata performsquantile regressionand obtains the standard errors using the method suggested by Koenker and Bassett (1978,1982). Rogers (1992) reports that these standard errors are...
The outcome is a result of two processes. First a probit process describes the presence of excess zeros, which is a negative outcome. Second, an ordered probit process, conditional on a positive outcome from the probit process, describes the ordered outcome. [ U ] 26 Overview of Stata ...