xtreg ln_w did treated* i.year ,fe outreg2 using result_1.doc,replace tstat bdec(3) tdec(2) ctitle(ln_w,Full-sample)addtext(Controls, No,Year Effect, Yes) keep(did treated*) xtreg ln_w did treated* $xlist i.year ,fe outreg2 using result_1.doc,append tstat bdec(3) tdec(2...
reghdfe: Estimating linear models with multiway fixed effects Additional information Chicago16_Correia.pdf Sergio Correia Fuqua School of Business, Duke University runmixregls: A mixed-effects location scale model run within Stata Additional information ...
xtcse2 - Estimation of the exponent of cross-sectional dependence. An introduction into the topic can be found in my slides of the 2021 Stata Economics Virtual Symposium here. Table of Contents Syntax Description Options Econometric and Empirical Model Mean Group Common Correlated Effects Dynamic Co...
The estimators found in prais, arima, arch, arfima, and ucm are based on such a strategy. prais implements two such estimators: the Prais–Winsten and the Cochrane–Orcutt generalized least-squares (GLS) estimators. These estimators are GLS estimators, but they are fairly restrictive in that ...
摘要: This routine generates LaTeX code after an estimation command that will produce a formatted table. Many options are available for the handling of precision, variable labels, significance levels, etc. The outtex routine now requires Stata 7; Stata 6 users may use outtex6....
On occasion, I will use an R function that is not available in Stata, such as XGBoost. In these cases I like to create an R environment that aligns with my Stata environment. Similar to Stata, R automatically runs .Rprofile upon launch (if found). This file is typically stored in ...
return the posit1on In Stata where a 1s first found�,Ne I1ArH G .:=TRIN.:i�display strmatch("123.89', "1??.?9")retum true (1) or false (0) if string matches patterndisplay substr("Stata·. 3. 5)return string of 5 characters starting with position 3...
and online ordering information can be found at www.stata.com/bookstore/ts.html. You can also order the manual using the enclosed bookstore order form.Time-Series Reference Manual, 2d ed Publisher: Stata Press Copyright: 2004 Pages: 390; paperback ISBN: 1-881228-86-X Price: $45.00 ...
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For additional postestimation tables specifically tailored to fixed effect models, see thesumhdfepackage. The syntax ofestat summarizeandpredictis: estat summarize Summarizesdepvarand the variables described in_b(i.e. not the excluded instruments) ...