combined with the experimental results, it is not difficult to find that the higher the value of \(\varphi\) , the better the model performance, and the higher the corresponding requirements for the experimental conditions), but even so, our method still exceeds the result of27 with \(\varp...
Several plants flowered towards the end of the study period, after which they died as a result of monocarpy. For the purposes of survival analyses, these plants were treated as living because their deaths did not appear to be stress related. RGR for these plants was calculated using their ...
In our work, we propose a soft contrastive learning objective using only RGB frames that directly generalizes our approach from image with changes related to data processing and architectures. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to introduce the concept of soft contrastive learning usin...
In the first step, the GP hyperparameters θ are estimated by maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) on the joint Gaussian likelihood (2). The result is a fully-determined GP kernel function, specifying the properties of the functions that best fit the training measurements. In the second step, ...
First, the proposed method is based on the result of more general identifiability of an FD as discussed in Section 3. Thus, the proposed method does not rely on the detection of a shockwave nor the detection of saturated free-flowing traffic (which are used by Herrera et al. (2010)), ...
Any first order autoregressive stochastic process is considered memoryless in terms of the Markov property. Thus the consideration of realisation of life satisfaction scores beyond the previous year,\(y_ {t-1}\), should not provide any additional information about the realisation of\(y_t\)(see,...
In this paper, a novel statistical approach is presented for time-of-arrival (TOA) estimation based on first path (FP) pulse detection using a sub-Nyquist sampling ultra-wide band (UWB) receiver. The TOA measurement accuracy, which cannot be improved by
we added zero mean but 0.02 variance Gaussian noise. Following image shows the noise effect on left image. Using noisy left and right image. We took following result from both three method as follows. And also correlation coefficient found 0.51, 0.59 and 0.84 for all three method respectfully....
The method is accurate in the first trimester, but less so in the second and third trimesters as growth deviates from the average and variation in fetal size increases. Consequently, fetal ultrasound late in pregnancy has a wide margin of error of at least ±2 weeks’ gestation. Here, we ...
Modelling extreme values distributions, such as wave height time series where the higher waves are much less frequent than the lower ones, has been tackled from the point of view of the Peak-Over-Threshold (POT) methodologies, where modelling is based on