These non-matched detections may result either from false detections indicated by input detectors or actual movements missed by output detectors. The expiration time is preset by the system (typically, the length of time required for a signal phase), and the cleanup process is performed every ...
Several plants flowered towards the end of the study period, after which they died as a result of monocarpy. For the purposes of survival analyses, these plants were treated as living because their deaths did not appear to be stress related. RGR for these plants was calculated using their ...
However, after several iterations of the learning rate, all the algorithms were highly sensitive to the learning rate, thereby making the selection of the optimal learning rate relatively obvious, which is why it was not included as part of Table 2. The learning curves can be found in the ...
This result shows that the model is well developed and has good generalization. This reflects the potential of the method for the remote recognition and classification of different varieties of fruits in an orchard regardless of the environmental effects like complex background, variable light, ...
COVID-19 cases included patients with at least 1 COVID-19–like illness code and a positive SARS-CoV-2 molecular test result; controls included patients with at least 1 COVID-19–like illness code and a negative SARS-CoV-2 molecular test result. For the comparison of severity by Omicron ...
As a result, we hope that the two-step NBQMLE solves the problem of increased variability and that the overdispersion is close to 1. Here we determine post estimation the overdispersion based on McCullagh and Nelder (1989), introducing an overdispersion parameter\(\sigma ^2\), which is defin...
. The results are in Table5. We found the best values\(\tau _m = 0.07\)and\(\tau = 0.1\)proving SCE needs a sharper target distribution. In Appendix E, this parameter search is done for other datasets used in comparison with our baselines. Unlike ReSSL [28], SCE does not collapse...
In the first step, the GP hyperparameters θ are estimated by maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) on the joint Gaussian likelihood (2). The result is a fully-determined GP kernel function, specifying the properties of the functions that best fit the training measurements. In the second step, ...
combined with the experimental results, it is not difficult to find that the higher the value of \(\varphi\) , the better the model performance, and the higher the corresponding requirements for the experimental conditions), but even so, our method still exceeds the result of27 with \(\varp...
Regarding the positive perturbation of the Valsalva maneuver, on the one hand, the result gives us confidence that a collapse force will be able to be measured in patients with decompensated heart failure and high venous pressure with our current setup. Hence, none of the venous pressures reached...