As a result, STFT is not appropriate for analysis of non-stationary signals or signals with fast-changing frequency like LFM signals. As an alternative to the traditional Fourier Transform, Xia et al. [2–4] proposed the widely linear model for frequency estimation in three-phase power systems...
Specifically, sea level rise in estuaries will result in landward movement of both the average and storm-driven high water lines; landward migration of the salinity gradient in surface and groundwater; changes in sediment transport and deposition; and coastal "squeeze", resulting in a loss of ...
These could also be applied in the Ruwer-Mosel valley in Germany, but it seems some farmers are not convinced of the value of such erosion control measures. Thus, there is a need to develop an accurate, visually attractive, and user-friendly survey method to highlight the rate of soil ...
When the channel length ranges from 20 cm to 40 cm, the channel characteristics curves have similar outlines, which indicates that there is not a linear relation between channel length and attenuation. The trend of the estimation channel characteristics g(f ) does agree with the measured result ...
Introduction As fossil fuel reserves continue to decrease, new means of transportation that are independent of traditional fuels have to be found to meet the requirements of our daily life. Consequently, electrical vehicles (EV) have been regarded as a potential solution. In order to increase the...
output of the j-th neuron corresponds to the j-th value of the estimation result yj, as described by Equation (11). yj = Snj SD = n i =1 Yi exp - -(X - Xi )T 2δ (X 2 - Xi ) , i n =1 exp - -(X - Xi )T 2...
IGBT 1 0.77 0.3 54.4% Devices IGBT 2 IGBT 3 0.76 0.3 60.6% 0.728 0.32 53.45% IGBT4 0.72 0.18 73.23% Averages 0.74 0.27 60.42% According to Table 2, it was found that the average of NRMSE result is equal to 0.2, this value is reduced, which proves the ability of the proposed ...
However, on the other hand, using OH concentration corresponding to aged (and thus, dispersed) plumes is likely to result in overestimation of the photochemical age. A comparison of the photochemical age estimated using Equation (1) with the duration of daylight on the days when the AERONET ...