下载地址:GroupManager - v3.0-SNAPSHOT for Minecraft 1.8 to 1.19+ (pre-release). | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft Residence 领地管理类插件Residence:Residence file downloader (zrips.net),需要前置CMILib:CMILib | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft。 Authme 登录插件,用户需要设置密码才能注册登...
Java0GPL-3.0400UpdatedSep 7, 2020 AssetsPublic Various assets for the project (logos, graphics etc.) 0000UpdatedMay 31, 2020 People Sponsors Sponsoring Top languages JavaCSSVue Most used topics essentialsxhacktoberfestdocumentationwikiminecraft-plugin GitHub Sponsor...
Discord command giving the ability to paste your discord link easily in the Minecraft chat, able to be customised with a custom message andcolours! Website command allowing you to paste your server's website within the Minecraft chat, able to also be customised with custom messages andcoloursto...
Download the core EssentialsX file as well.With the required files downloaded, you are ready to install the plugin to your Minecraft server!Server Installation Navigate to your Apex Server Panel, then stop the server. Scroll down to the Game File dropdown menu. Ensure the version is plugin-co...
Thanks for reading! If you like the plugin, don't forget to rate Support Discord: https://discord.gg/U6TtFzpZtTCurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike.Download the best mods and addons! Games All games Minecraft World of Warcraft The Sims 4 Starcra...
EssentialsX is a continuation of the Essentials plugin suite, updated to support modern Minecraft and Spigot versions. It provides countless new features, performance enhancements and fixes that are not available in the original Essentials or Spigot-Essentials.For more details, see the wiki. ...
#5884 openedJul 30, 2024byminecrafter197 avatar: trueis required formc-to-discord-name-formatto take any effectbug: unconfirmedPotential bugs that need replicating to verify. #5878 openedJul 24, 2024byWildPenquin Duping when using Deliver item to NPC in a quests pluginstatus: waiting on auth...
The plugin gets all the modded materials (blocks and items) and puts them into the essentials' items.csv file. 💡 Original idea The idea of creating this plugin came to me through this issue opened on the Magma's GitLab.About 🔌⛏️ A Minecraft Plugin that auto-populates the Esse...
🔌⛏️ A Minecraft Plugin that auto-populates the EssentialsX's items.csv file with Forge items and blocks. minecraftbukkitintegrationspigotforgespigot-pluginminecraft-pluginessentialsessentialsxmagma UpdatedJun 28, 2024 Java EssentialsX/Wiki ...
Fabric Carpet extension that adds things from the Spigot plugin Essentials, or other features I think are needed for Minecraft - Super-Santa/EssentialAddons