Download App Now CTE2 Essentials ByMahjerion Mods 727,992 Description Just a few items for CTE2 that were needed to make some mods work better together. Adds 5 new ore blocks that can be earned while mining through the Mining Profession with Mine and Slash. These blocks can be smelted ...
我的世界Ocean Outlast海洋终结者整合包|Minecraft 1.12.2219 我的世界CRIF整合包|Minecraft 1.12.7217 奇异饰品Artifacts Mod-各种奇异强力的装饰品|1.21185 我的世界地下城与太空龙整合包|Minecraft 1.12.2241 我的世界赛文科技整合包|SevTech: Ages of the Sky194 我的世界Shattered Ring老头环模组|Minecraft 1.16...
Mod LoadersView all Fabric Support Found a problem? Not sure how to do something? Open an issue on theGitHub repositoryor join the Discord server:
Basic Module:基础模块,添加了EssentialX插件类似的命令,如/afk,/burn/heal等 Permissions Module:权限模块,用于管理用户和用户组的权限,支持worldedit创世神mod的权限管理 Spawn Module:出生点模块,用于管理出生点相关 Warps Module:传送模块,用于管理传送点 Home Module:家模块,用于管理玩家的家 Backup Module:备份模块...
💗 A basic module of Project Essentials. This module adds a few basic commands in minecraft for the project. Many of the commands in this module will be familiar to you from EssentialsX. minecraftminecraft-modforge-modminecraftforgeessentialsminecraft-forge-modessentialsxforge-essentialsminecraft-ess...
From the name, you might think the Cheating Essentials mod will break Minecraft in some awful way, giving you powers or tools which make the game a breeze.
Essentials - Minecraft server command mod - Adds over 100 commands for use in-game to help manage a server - essentials/Essentials
EssentialsX下载地址:EssentialsX | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft下载 - EssentialsX (也可以cd到服务器的plugins目录下 输入wget把EssentialsX下载下来(右键网页上的Download按钮取得下载链接...
Rescale the size of item when player held Add 6 blocks Stair Fence Installation Follow this step if you download McAddon/McPack Install the Addon by clicking or tap the file Select minecraft Wait till the Resources pack and the behavior pack installed...
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