Information recall- access the knowledge you've gained regarding how restrictive clause are punctuated Additional Learning Review the complementary lesson, titled Restrictive vs. Nonrestrictive Adjective Clauses, to keep on learning about this grammar topic. Some goals of this lesson will be: ...
1. The girlwho sits behind mehas red hair. (essential to know which girl) 2. I am looking for the placewhere I left my book. (essential to know which place) Examples of Nonessential Adjective Clauses 1. My friend Kara,who made an A on our math test today, is coming over to help...
The Essential ClauseRecognize an essential clause when you find one.An adjective clause can be either essential or nonessential. To make the distinction, you must analyze the function of the clause in that particular sentence. When an adjective clause is essential, it is clarifying a general, ...
There is, in sum, (i) a progression in the domain of argument nominals, from predicative and non-scope taking nominals, to existential weakly referential but scope-taking nominals, to wide-scope-taking nominals with strong determiners, to nominals where the head of the NP has substituted ...