1. The girlwho sits behind mehas red hair. (essential to know which girl) 2. I am looking for the placewhere I left my book. (essential to know which place) Examples of Nonessential Adjective Clauses 1. My friend Kara,who made an A on our math test today, is coming over to help...
Is the Clause Essential or Non-essential? If you'd happily put your clause in brackets or delete it, then use commas because it must be non-essential. (2) Understanding when to offset an adverbial clause with commas. The adverbial clauses in these two sentences are identical, except one ...
These types of pronouns and adverbs are referred to as relative because they relate the clauses to the words they modify.An adjective clause can be either restrictive (or essential) or nonrestrictive (or nonessential). A restrictive adjective clause provides information that is necessary for ...
Adverb Clauses Examples Essential and Nonessential Adjective Clauses Examples Function of Prepositional Phrases Examples Independent Clauses Examples Noun Clauses Examples Phrases and Clauses Examples Prepositional Phrases Examples Subordinate Clauses Examples ...
What is a nonrestrictive phrase? A nonrestrictive phrase (a group of words) addsnonessentialinformation to a sentence. Both nonrestrictive clauses and phrases bring bonus information to the sentence; however, the presence of that information isunnecessaryin understanding the sentence's meaning. ...
Form and Function of Nonrestrictive Relative Clauses Nonrestrictive relative clauses should be thought of as optional but helpful. Because this is in direct contrast with essential information that appears in restrictive relative clauses, it makes sense that nonrestrictive relative clauses are formatte...
At the stroke of midnight, the carriage will turn back into a pumpkin. The carriage will turn back into a pumpkinat the stroke of midnight. (Rule 2) If your dependent clause is a nonessential adjective, offset it with a comma (or two commas if it's mid-sentence). ...
Essential vs. Nonessential:Adjective clauses can be essential (restrictive) or nonessential (nonrestrictive) depending on their importance to the meaning of the sentence. Nonessential clauses are set off by commas. Examples: Essential:"The book that I bought is on the table." (modifies the no...
Adjective clauses provide additional information about a noun or pronoun, while adverb clauses provide additional information about a verb, an adjective, or an adverb. Adjective clauses are introduced by relative pronouns, whereas adverb clauses are introduced by subordinating conjunctions such as after...
Essential and Non-Essential Adjective Clauses Some adjective clauses are anessential, or necessary, part of a sentence. Without them, the meaning of the sentence would change. For essential clauses, no punctuation is required. For example: ...