Now each esp_wifi_repeater can learn which other esp_wifi_repeater is the closest to the the original WiFi network, can connect to that, and chose its own BSSID accordingly. Also the IP address of the internal network is adjusted to the mesh level: 10.24.m.0. This creates a tree (a ...
A full functional WiFi Repeater (correctly: a WiFi NAT Router) - esp_wifi_repeater/include/lwip/netif.h at master · martin-ger/esp_wifi_repeater
A full functional WiFi Repeater (correctly: a WiFi NAT Router) - esp_wifi_repeater/liblwip_open_napt.a at master · sw3nlab/esp_wifi_repeater
Now each esp_wifi_repeater can learn which other esp_wifi_repeater is the closest to the the original WiFi network, can connect to that, and chose its own BSSID accordingly. Also the IP address of the internal network is adjusted to the mesh level: 10.24.m.0. This creates a tree (a ...