OpenWRT 系统:项目运行在 OpenWRT 操作系统上,这是一个轻量级的 Linux 发行版,专为嵌入式设备如路由器定制,提供了丰富的网络和软件包支持。 自动配置:通过 Telnet 或 Web 服务器接口,用户可以轻松地设置和管理 ESP-WiFi-Repeater,包括 Wi-Fi 连接参数、中继模式等。 动态DNS 和 Updater 支持:项目还集成了动态 ...
对于网格中包含多个路由器的设置,一个新的模式"automesh"已经被包含在 。 源代码名称:esp_wifi_repeater 源代码网址: esp_wifi_repeater源代码文档 esp_wifi_repeater源代码下载 esp_wifi_rep...
Add repeater and bridge for ZigbeeArea: ZigbeeIssues and Feature Request about ZigbeeType: Feature requestFeature request for Arduino ESP32 #10877 openedJan 18, 2025byDaTTcz 1 task done 3 Zigbee HVAC endpoint supportArea: ZigbeeIssues and Feature Request about ZigbeeType: Feature requestFeature reque...
A full functional WiFi repeater (correctly: a WiFi NAT router) This is an implementation of a WiFi NAT router on the esp8266 and esp8285. It also includes support for a packet filtering firewall with ACLs, port mapping, traffic shaping, hooks for remote monitoring (or packet sniffing), an...
1) In the Arduino IDE click on the camera_index.h tab and highlight ONLY the hex data BETWEEN THE BRACKETS { } of this section of code (lines 5-274). 2) Open up a no frills editor like Notepad and paste it and save it. You don’t want an editor that is going to assume it ...
Open your Arduino IDE and copy the following code./*** Rui Santos Complete project details at ***/ // Import required libraries #ifdef ESP32 #include <WiFi.h> #include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h> #else #include <Arduino.h> #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include ...
Code HTTP 转载 落笔成诗 8月前 123阅读 esp32WiFi传输慢esp32无线图传 文章目录前言一、基于ESP32CAM的物联网相机系统⑦(用上位机JavaWeb实现WIFI图传)是什么?二、运行环境说明1.PC软件环境2.单片机开发环境Arduino3.修改上面2的源码变成自己的源码三、运行与调试总结 前言 daodanjishui物联网核心...
arduinoesp32mesh 链接路由器arduinoesp32lvgl 文章目录1. 硬件配置1.1ESP32+ TFT 彩屏1.2 触摸屏的参数标定1.3 参考资料2. LVGL 开发环境2.1 LVGL 在 Arduino 中安装2.2 配置 LVGL 参数头文件 lv_conf.h2.3 测试 LVGL 基本例程3. 简洁版 lvgl 配置流程 (Arduino) 1. 硬件配置1.1ESP32+ TFT 彩屏本篇中的ES...
DaTTczadded Type: Feature requestFeature request for Arduino ESP32 on Jan 18, 2025 Greginkansas commented on Jan 20, 2025 Greginkansas on Jan 20, 2025 Add these lines for a repeater #ifndef ZIGBEE_MODE_ZCZR /// Router here esp_zb_cfg_t zigbeeConfig = ZIGBEE_DEFAULT_ROUTER_CONFIG...
ESP32 is a series of low-cost, low-power system on a chip microcontrollers with integrated Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth. It is a successor to the ESP8266 microcontroller. Widely used in hobby projects to large scale industrial applications....