Description Description Hello All, I am trying debug esp32c6 using open ocd, I followed tutorial in link: [ openocd -c 'set ESP_RTOS...
However after inserting the recommended launch.json it becomes evident that just running npm i is insufficient, because the debug type brings up an error: "The debug type is not recognized. Make sure that you have a corresponding debug extension installed and that it is enabled." It seems I...
I've used the default approach withesp-idf debug adapter( When I run the Launch (in debug tab), the program stops atapp_main(which is expected). I can use Step over (or...
tested with an Esp32c3 module it is flashing and entering into debug mode properly but with the same debug configuration esp32c6 not entering into debug at the same time it is flashing the code correctly. Please can you help me to solve this problem why it is not entering into debug ...
1.设置target的debug页。 2.点击调试,设置引脚(格式例如:PORTA.7) 3.调整后输出波形。 2)结果展示 分别对应一个LED,目测是两个形状相反的波形。 二、移植系统 1、将uc/OS移植到stm32F103 1)CubeMX建立STM32F103C8HAL库 1.配置RCC 2.配置SYS 3.设置PC13为GPIO_Output用于点亮LED灯 4.设置串口USART1 5.设...
Executing action: openocd Note: OpenOCD cfg not found (via env variable OPENOCD_COMMANDS nor as a--openocd-commands argument)OpenOCD arguments default to: "-f board/esp32c6-builtin.cfg" OpenOCD started as a background task 41060 Executing action: post_debug Open On-Chip Debugger v0.12....
include($ENV{IDF_PATH}/tools/cmake/project.cmake) project(blink) ESP_jakob Posts:49 Joined:Mon Jun 01, 2020 6:28 am Re: ESP32-C6 linking failed PostbyESP_jakob»Tue Mar 12, 2024 7:40 am Hi! To debug these type of linker issues, it would be easiest for us if you can provide...
C:\Users\gojimmypi\AppData\Local\VisualGDB\EmbeddedDebugPackages\com.sysprogs.esp32.core\share\openocd\scripts\target and edited all of the “C3” to “C6” values in the newesp32c6.cfgfile. I’m very close to having JTAG working, with thisError: Unknown target type esp32c6 ...
nanoESP32-C6 is a development board based on ESPRESSIF ESP32-C6 series modules, on-board USB to serial port, TYPE-C, full-color LED, while leading to debug burning serial port and ESP32-C6 itself USB interface, more convenient for daily development and testing. Version: ESP32-C6-WROOM-...
17 辅助调试 (ASSIST_DEBUG) 17.1 概述 17.2 主要特性 17.3 功能描述 17.3.1 区域读写监测 17.3.2 栈指针监测 17.3.3 PC 记录 17.3.4 CPU/DMA 总线访问记录 17.4 工作流程 17.4.1 区域监测和栈监测配置 17.4.2 PC 记录配置 17.4.3 CPU/DMA 总线访问记录配置 17.5 寄存器列表 17.5.1 总线记录配置寄存器列...