esp8266.h代码 #ifndef _ESP8266_H_ #define _ESP8266_H_ #include "stm32f10x.h" typedef struct{ uint8_t RxBuff[1024];//数据接收存放的数组 uint16_t RxNum;//接收 uint8_t Rx_Over;//接收满的标志位 }WIFI; typedef struct{ uint8_t now_name[30];//城市 uint8_t now_text[30];//...
") //日志区显示欢迎信息 displayLogMessage("👏欢迎!") displayLogMessage("帮助:\n1. 连接蓝牙; \n2. 移动右边的手柄以控制机器人;") //监听'蓝牙'按钮 val connectBluetoothTextView = findViewById<AppCompatTextView>( connectBluetoothTextView...
speedandsimultaneously,providedtheyaccessaddressdifferentmemorybanks. EspressifSystems16ESP32TechnicalReferenceV1.0 2INTERRUPTMATRIX 2.InterruptMatrix 2.1Introduction TheInterruptMatrixembeddedintheESP32tlyallocatesperipheralinterruptsourcestothetwo CPUs’peripheralinterrupts.Thisconfigurationishighlyflexibleinordertomeetmany...
("Content-type:text/html"); client.println(); //将字符与here连接 client.print("Click here to turn ON the LED."); client.print("Click here to turn OFF the LED."); // HTTP响应为空行 client.println(); // 跳出循环 break; } else { // 如果有一个换行符就清除变量缓存的数据 current...
(3,3,loadNum,10,5,0xFFFF); //画一个填充的圆角矩形clk.setTextDatum(CC_DATUM); //显示对齐方式clk.setTextColor(TFT_GREEN, 0x0000); //文本的前景色和背景色clk.drawString("Connecting to WiFi",100,40,2); //显示文本clk.pushSprite(20,110); //Sprite中内容一次推向屏幕clk.deleteSprite();...
logArea.text = trimmedText }funconvertToHexArray(input:String): String {valhexArray ="0123456789ABCDEF".toCharArray()valbyteArray = ByteArray(input.length /2)for(iininput.indices step2) {valfirstDigit = hexArray.indexOf(input[i])valsecondDigit = hexArray.indexOf(input[i +1])valbyteValue ...
Increase loading speed by automatically allowing web clients to cache static files. Receive name/value pairs from URL encoded forms. Send and receive JSON objects and use them to create a RESTful API style. Play with AjAX requests to interact quickly with a web application. Define the origin of...
When you send the response, you are immediately ready to handle other connections while the server is taking care of sending the response in the background Speed is OMG Easy to use API, HTTP Basic and Digest MD5 Authentication (default), ChunkedResponse Easily extendible to handle any type of...
I (52) boot: SPI Speed : 80MHz I (56) boot: SPI Mode : QIO I (60) boot: SPI Flash Size : 4MB I (64) boot: Partition Table: I (68) boot:## Label Usage Type ST Offset LengthI (75) boot: 0 factory factory app 00 00 00010000 00300000 ...