在ESP32开发中,使用ADF(Audio Development Framework)框架时,遇到`I2C Bus WriteReg Error`和`I2C Bus ReadReg Error`错误,通常与I2C通信相关的问题有关。以下是一些可能的原因和排查步骤: ### 1. **I2C引脚配置** - 确保I2C的引脚配置正确。ESP32的I2C引脚可以通过`i2c_config_t`结构体进行配置,确保SCL和SD...
Hi, I'm trying to figure out the reason behind the NOP in ESP32 uart_ll_read_rxfifo https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/bl ... _ll.h#L203 Is this related to esp32 errata 3.16 ?szmodz Posts: 8 Joined: Thu Mar 21, 2019 10:11 am Re: esp32 UART FIFO read...
【晶心科技ADP-Corvette-T1开发板试用体验】CorvetteT1开发板与esp32通信实现安卓手机控制 CorvetteT1与esp32通信实现安卓手机控制这次打算测试下corvetteT1开发板(以下简称T1)的通讯能力,结合自己手头上的esp32wroom,打算将两者进行以下通讯试试看 乐鑫ESP32-P4芯片应用,WT99P4C6-S1开发板应用方案 ...
Code to read data using rs485 to ttl converter on an esp32 microcontroller - freezin-fire/modbus-master-esp32
My board: https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-1.28 I'm trying to read from an SD card. With the example code (ESP32SD), I have no issues. However, with the main code (esp32-s3-touch-lcd-1.28-demo), the board crashes. I have a file.txt containing the error ...
When use ESP32 conmmunicate with RC522 (NFC Controller), the SPI bus work ok, it can read and write RC522's register. But when set the target to ESP32S3, the code complie fail. The error is: SPI half duplex mode is not supported when both MOSI and MISO phases are enabled Then ...
(~ every 23ms) drops one 16 bit slot of transmit data, which is maddening. It's not a dma buffer problem as the drops do not occur on buffer boundaries. I have run the exact same code on the esp32-s3 and same codec without a problem. Moving to 64bclks/wclk seemed to work ...
【求助】BNO055..硬件:- ESP32-WROOM-32(ESP32-DevKitc型)- AE-BNO055-BO 9轴加速传感器开发环境:- Windows11 22621.2715 - IDE: VSCode_p
Breadcrumbs openocd-on-esp32 / README.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 117 lines (85 loc) · 5.98 KB Raw OpenOCD application for ESP32S3 Prerequisites ESP32S3 board with PSRAM. This board will act as a debugger. Make sure to adjust Flash and PSRAM spi modes (...