These ESP32 camera modules are seriously nifty – we see them put to good use on the regular. Whether you need todetect motionin your Halloween project,decode your water meter readings,or perhaps merely asecurity camera, it’s worth having a few in your toolbox. Maybe even pick upa progra...
BME280 humidity/temperature/pressure sensor Adafruit BME280 Arduino library BME280 driver Reading values from a BME280 via ESP-IDF's I²C master driver ESP32 MicroPython BME280 MQTT sample Cameras Igrr's ESP32-Cam-Demo (using OV7725) Should work with other OV7xxx series cameras. Also, ...
To read the Reed-switch and light the LED accordingly: const int ReedPin = 4; const int ledPin = 2; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(ReedPin, INPUT_PULLUP); } void loop() { digitalWrite(ledPin, digitalRead(ReedPin)); } ...
writeFile(SD, “/data.txt”, “Reading Number, Date, Hour, temp, hum, TEMP, HUM \r\n”); } else { Serial.println(“File exists”); } file.close(); Read_TempHum(); logSDCard(); displayReadings(); //ledHumid(); delay(4000); display.hibernate(); // increasing the counter for...
pour the dry soil in a container, insert the sensor in the soil and take a raw sensor reading (use the web interface). Record the Water Mass (=0 at this stage) and the sensor reading. Remove the sensor, add 10 ml (gram) water, mix the soil and water properly and record your Wate...
Each DS18B20 temperature sensor has a serial number assigned to it. First, you need to find that number to label each sensor accordingly. You need to do this, so that later you know from which sensor you’re reading the temperature from. ...
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: development 分支(24) 标签(48) 管理 管理 development gh-pages lvgl_display rtl433test pload-8266 BT-deduplication empty-queue-task ...
Inside the while loop, get the sensor reading by using an object “sensor” on distance_cm() ad save the value in the distance variable. distance = sensor.distance_cm() After that print the distance values on the micropython shell console after every one second. ...
So, to have a value that can only increase and that reset when a certain amount of time has passed, we can use a utility meter, which is provided by Home Assistant. With that we can show in the dashboard the total rain, the rain of that day and so on. Go to devices and then ...
1.The probe can not be used in water above 55 degrees centigrade. 2.The probe can not be left too close to the edge of the container, otherwise it will affect the reading. 3.The head and the cable of the probe are waterproof, but the connector and the signal transmitter board are no...