timerAlarmEnable(timer); //启用定时器 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1.timerBegin(TIMERx,Pre,True) timerBegin函数以对定时器进行初始化,这个函数会返回一个指向hw_timer_t结构类型的指针,timer就是上面第一步声明的空指针,给他初始化timerBegin(TIMERx,Pre,True) TIMERx表示使用那个定时器,ESP32一共有4个...
E (5033) timer_group: timer_pause(108): HW TIMER NEVER INIT ERROR E (5043) timer_group: timer_disable_intr(393): HW TIMER NEVER INIT ERRORESP_HengYC Posts: 184 Joined: Fri Dec 15, 2017 2:45 am Re: 使用play_living_stream例程时以外停止 by ESP_HengYC » Tue May 10, 2022 3:...
hw_timer_t * timer = NULL; /* 创建定时器中断触发标志 */ int FLAG_timIT = 0; // 中断服务函数,为使编译器将代码分配到IRAM内,中断处理程序应该具有 IRAM_ATTR 属性 void IRAM_ATTR Callback_TimerIT() { FLAG_timIT = 1; //定时器中断触发标志置1,中断函数中不能阻塞 } void Timer_Init() {...
installed E (1290) timer_group: timer_deinit(310): HW TIMER NEVER INIT ERROR E (1300) timer_group: timer_deinit(310): HW TIMER NEVER INIT ERROR E (1310) timer_group: timer_deinit(310): HW TIMER NEVER INIT ERROR E (1310) timer_group: timer_deinit(310): HW TIMER NEVER INIT ERROR...
I am trying to create a timer to get value in nano seconds. For this, I am using the "timer_group" example where I set the "TIMER_DIVIDER" to 1 in order to get 12.5 ns per tick. However, I get the following error: Code: Select all timer_group: timer_init(214): HW TIMER ...
Hi everyone, I'm working with a hw timer 0 (from TMRG0), when I set the auto_reload=false, the others task that I have in my main don't run, but when I set auto_reload=true the others task run normally. So, it looks like the hw timer 0 took the control of all aplication ...
// Init SimpleTimer SimpleTimer simpleTimer; // Here is software Timer, you can do somewhat fancy stuffs without many issues. // But always avoid // 1. Long delay() it just doing nothing and pain-without-gain wasting CPU power.Plan and design your code / strategy ahead // 2. Ver...
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_netif_init()); printf("Start probem begin STEP %d\n", count++); fflush(stdout); // Create default event loop that running in background ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_event_loop_create_default()); printf("Start probem begin STEP %d\n", count++); fflush(stdout); I also ...
println("***"); pCharacteristic->notify(); } } }; void setupBLE() { BLEDevice::init("DFRobot_ESP32"); //Create BLE device pServer = BLEDevice::createServer(); //Create BLE server pServer->setCallbacks(new MyServerCallbacks()); //Set the server's callback function pService =...
println("ERROR - SD card initialization failed!"); return; // init failed } // If the data.txt file doesn't exist // Create a file on the SD card and write the data labels File file = SD.open("/data.txt"); if(!file) { Serial.println("File doens't exist"); Serial.println(...