esp_wifi_set_mode(wifi_mode_t mode)//模式设置 //可如下配置 WIFI_MODE_NULL=0 WIFI_MODE_STA//STA模式 WIFI_MODE_AP//软AP模式 WIFI_MODE_APSTA//混合模式 WIFI_MODE_MAX esp_wifi_get_mode(wifi_mode_t *mode)//获取当前模式 esp_wifi_get_config(wifi_interface_t interface, wifi_config_t *...
原型:esp_err_tesp_wifi_set_mode( wifi_mode_tmode) 功能: 设置WiFi运行模式。 设置WiFi工作模式为station模式、软AP模式或station+软AP模式。默认为“软ap模式”。 参数: mode:WiFi的操作模式。 esp_wifi_get_mode 原型:esp_err_tesp_wifi_get_mode( wifi_mode_tmode) 功能: 获取WiFi运行模式。 设置Wi...
router.password, CONFIG_MESH_ROUTER_PASSWD, strlen(CONFIG_MESH_ROUTER_PASSWD)); /* Mesh softAP */ ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_mesh_set_ap_authmode(CONFIG_MESH_AP_AUTHMODE)); cfg.mesh_ap.max_connection = CONFIG_MESH_AP_CONNECTIONS; memcpy((uint8_t *) &cfg.mesh_ap.password, CONFIG_MESH_AP_...
To make a CATEGORIC ASSERTION, we can have a lot of Stations when setting an ESP32 to AP mode. Just set the Code: Select all wifi_config_t.ap.max_connection=>4;. In my case I set it to 10 but have only 8 ESP32. Tested this with a UDP_Multicast Modified Example, were a Se...
(('','','',''))# ap模式自带dhcp-server,设置好ifconfig地址信息后系统会自动启用dhcp-serverprint('[boot]_[AP_init]_AP Mode active')_files=os.listdir('/')if'if_info.ini'in_files:os.remove('/if_info.ini')# No if_info.ini means AP mod...
Repository eBox ESP-32S/ESP-WROOM-32 Breakout Board Simple breakout board with “Reset” and “IO0” buttons; nearly identical to Ai-Thinker's “ESP-32S Breakout Board” Has dual-row connections along the longest sides, making this board incompatible for breadboard use. Guoyun Technology 果云...
ap_config.ap.authmode = WIFI_AUTH_OPEN; ap_config.ap.ssid_hidden = 0; ap_config.ap.max_connection = 20; ap_config.ap.beacon_interval = 100; ESP_ERROR_CHECK( esp_wifi_set_mode(WIFI_MODE_APSTA) ); //Configure as both accesspoint and station ESP_ERROR_CHECK( esp_wifi_set_config(...
endAP(true) stops the AP and disables start of persistent AP at startup configureAP - to configure AP. see the SetupPersistentAP.ino tool example AP parameters getters - apMacAddress, apSSID, apPassphrase, apEncryptionType, apMaxConnections, apIsHidden, apDhcpIsEnabled, apIP, apGatewayIP,...
If you'd like to have a personalized hostname (RFC952-conformed,- 24 chars max,- only a..z A..Z 0..9 '-' and no '-' as last char) add ESP_WiFiManager ESP_wifiManager("Personalized-HostName"); then later call ESP_wifiManager.startConfigPortal() While in AP mode, connect ...
(TAG,"retry to connect to the AP");}else{ESP_LOGI(TAG,"connect to the AP fail");// ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(60*1000*1000));esp_deep_sleep(60*1000*1000);s_retry_num=0;ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_wifi_connect());}}elseif(event_base==IP_EVENT&&event_id==IP_...