E (42790) ESP32: Failed to connect to:qinglan1 ,reason:205,retry to connect to the AP:3. I (42797) ESP32: connect to the AP fail D (42797) wifi:recv auth: seq=2, status=0 I (42805) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0) D (42810) wifi:restart connect 1s timer for assoc D (42...
esp_wifi_connect(); } else if (event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED) { ESP_LOGI(TAG,"connect to the AP fail"); if (s_retry_num < EXAMPLE_ESP_MAXIMUM_RETRY) { esp_wifi_connect(); ESP_LOGI(TAG, "retry to connect to the AP"); } } else if ...
While trying to get started with ESP32-C3 SuperMini, I discovered some strange behavior. After the first successful connection to my Xiaomi Poco X3 Pro AP and following plugging off my ESP32 power(just plugging off the USB-C cable), next time ESP32 refuses to connect to my phone's AP....
esp_wifi_connect(); }elseif(event_base==WIFI_EVENT&&event_id==WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED) { if(s_retry_num<EXAMPLE_ESP_MAXIMUM_RETRY) { esp_wifi_connect(); s_retry_num++; ESP_LOGI(TAG,"retry to connect to the AP"); } ESP_LOGI(TAG,"connect to the AP fail"); }elseif(event_...
I (12201) wifi station: connect to the AP fail I (12201) wifi station: Failed to connect to SSID:k, password:espressif 我在虚拟机重新搭建V4.4.4环境,结果一样芯片为ESP32S3FH4R2,同时测试原来在4.3版本能用板子(ESP32S2)在4.4下面WIFI也是不行 也是提示授权错误X...
esp_wifi_connect(); s_retry_num++; ESP_LOGI(TAG,"retry to connect to the AP"); }else{//事件组置位xEventGroupSetBits(s_wifi_event_group, WIFI_FAIL_BIT); } ESP_LOGI(TAG,"connect to the AP fail"); }elseif(event_base == IP_EVENT && event_id ==IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP) { ...
I (2933) wifi station: retry to connect to the AP I (2933) wifi station: connect to the AP fail I (5343) wifi station: retry to connect to the AP I (5343) wifi station: connect to the AP fail I (7753) wifi station: retry to connect to the AP ...
(event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_START) {//配置好了wifi的STA模式esp_wifi_connect();//连接热点}elseif(event_base == WIFI_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED) {//和路由器断开esp_wifi_connect();//连接热点ESP_LOGI(TAG,"connect to the AP fail"...
启动WiFi 使用esp_wifi_start启动WiFi。 Wi-Fi驱动程序将WIFI_EVENT_STA_START发布到事件任务;然后,事件任务将执行一些常规操作,并将调用应用程序事件回调函数。 应用程序事件回调函数将WIFI_EVENT_STA_START中继到应用程序任务。此时调用esp_wifi_connect()。 在示例中: ...
esp_wifi_connect(); xEventGroupClearBits(s_wifi_event_group, WIFI_CONNECTED_BIT); s_retry_num++; ESP_LOGI(TAG, "retry to connect to the AP"); } ESP_LOGI(TAG,"connect to the AP fail"); } else if (event_base == IP_EVENT && event_id == IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP) { ...