LCD parameters Touch chipCST816STouch interfaceI2C Display chipGC9A01ADisplay interfaceSPI Resolution240(H)RGB x 240(V)Display sizeΦ32.4mm Display panelIPSPixel size0.135(H)mm x 0.135(V)mm IMU parameters Sensor nameQMI8658 Accelerometer characteristicsResolution: 16 bits ...
Parameters LCD Parameters Touch Chip: CST816S Display Chip: GC9A01A Resolution: 240 (H) RGB x 240 (V) Display Panel: IPS Touch Interface: I2C Display Interface: SPI Display Size: Ph 32.4 mm Pixel Size: 0.135 (H) x 0.135 (V) mm IMU Parameters Sensor: QMI8658 Accelaeration Parameters ...
@cgreening Sorry to bother you again, after seeing the latest video using that touch screen, I used to write to him gesture recognition because I got the register manual. The relevant information is here fbiego/CST816S#1Activity modi12jin commented on Jan 14, 2024 modi12jin on Jan 14,...
esp_lcd_touch_register_interrupt_callback(cst816s, cst816s->config.interrupt_callback); } } /* Reset controller */ ESP_GOTO_ON_ERROR(reset(cst816s), err, TAG, "Reset failed"); @@ -160,9 +160,9 @@ static esp_err_t reset(esp_lcd_touch_handle_t tp) { if (tp->config.rst_...
Control of LCD's backlight is provided by separate module that is independent from the display driver. Configuration of the backlight controller can be found in menuconfigLVGL ESP Drivers -> LVGL TFT Display controller. There are three modes of operation: ...
1)VSCode + PlatformIO + arduino + LVGL + ESP32开发板 + GC9A01显示驱动 + CST816D触摸驱动 2)LVGL的应用开发
(i2c_cmd); esp_err_t ret = i2c_master_cmd_begin(TOUCH_I2C_PORT, i2c_cmd, 1000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); i2c_cmd_link_delete(i2c_cmd); return ret; } esp_err_t cst816t_i2c_write8(uint8_t slave_addr, uint16_t register_addr, uint8_t data) { i2c_cmd_handle_t i2c_cmd = i2c...
我这里使用的是1.69寸ST7789显示驱动+CST816触摸驱动的触摸屏,规格是240*280 创建好后,如下: 2.界面设计 先在左侧对screen界面组件进行复制粘贴出第二个 对第一个界面进行设计,添加一个组件按钮 第二个界面也是同理,不过需要把Button文本更改成Button2,方便识别出来 还可以给它换个背景颜色(点击该按钮后,进入属性...
ESP32智能屏幕 esp32接lcd屏幕 该程序大概框架与中使用大致相似TFT_eSPI库移植,ESP32 + ST7789驱动TFTLCD1,进入TFT_eSPI库文件夹,打开User_Setup_select.h,注释掉User_Setup.h头文件,同时找到适合自己屏幕的头文件,解开他的注释 2,进入TFT_eSPI库文件夹,在User_Setup.h文件中选择自己使用的驱动 3,然后还要进...
ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-1.69 Embedded with ST7789V2 Display Driver and CST816T Capacitive Touch Chip Features ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-1.69is a low-cost, high-performance MCU board designed by Waveshare, tiny size, with onboard 1.69inch LCD display, Lithium battery recharge manager, 6-axis sensor (3...