Doing the same using the esp_lcd_touch_exit_sleep() function didn't work, now I can't get it to work correctly. I'm trying to find a way to get around this in esp_lcd_touch_gt911.c, but if anyone can help me I'd be grateful. Looking again at esp_lcd_touch_gt911.c, I v...
进货数量 ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-1.28 240×240 1.28 Type-C接口 05 0 179 0PCS| 0元 已选清单 立即订购 加入进货单 收藏产品(1) 品牌 微雪 型号 ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-1.28 种类 LCD触摸屏(模块) 像素 240×240 是否跨境出口专供货源 否 触摸功能 带触摸功能 应用领域 适用于各种智能设备开发,可实...
ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-4.3是微雪新推出的一款功能丰富的微控制器开发板,板载的4.3寸电容屏可流畅运行 LVGL 等 GUI 界面程序,结合其丰富的接口,可为用户提供灵敏的触控体验、流畅的GUI响应,是HMI开发的性价比之选:-搭载高性能处理器:配备了高性能的Xtensa 32位LX7双核处理器,主频高达240MHz。支持2.4 GHz Wi-Fi(...
挑战全网最低价3d打印主板esp32主控,扩展出lcd屏,8个独立轴,俩路喷头,一路热床,俩个可控风扇。比起现在市面上的8轴价格只有一半! 1981 1 0:33 App esp32-4轴主板自动调平可以使用固定式调平传感器:接近开关,ir抱歉各位,上期就说已经是4轴板最后一期了,但奈何又发现新玩法了(u‿ฺu) 2150 -- 1:22...
add lcd touch example 12个月前 sdkconfig.defaults add lcd touch example 12个月前 README Apache-2.0 Supported TargetsESP32-S3 使用SPI 屏和 I2C 触屏运行 SquareLine Studio 提供的手表 UI 示例 本示例基于 ESP-IDF 驱动带有触摸功能的 SPI 屏(P169H002),并初始化了 LVGL 图形库。最后运行了 SquareLine...
飞睿科技:乐鑫摄像头方案wifi芯片物联网模块乐鑫wifi_mesh组网ESP32-S2 HMI 开发套件 demo,Audio+Touch+LCD+Camer 2815 -- 5:54 App 乐鑫信息科技车载蓝牙wifi芯片智能按钮蓝牙音箱模组ESP32-H2 构建多生态互联的智能设备 226 -- 36:22 App 无线通信模块乐鑫代理商:使用eclipse+IDF插件开发esp32!便捷开发,无需...
LCD MIPI-CSI MIPI-DSI Camera 8~16 bit DVP image sensor interface UART Controller UARTs, asynchronous communication and LrDA, rate can reach 5Mbps. GPIO 55 USE Smart Home, Industrial Automation, Smart Agriculture, ESP WAW-IOT, HMI Packaging and delivery Selling Units: Single item Single package...
ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-4.3 is a microcontroller development board with 2.4GHz WiFi and BLE 5 supports and integrates high-capacity Flash and PSRAM. The onboard 4.3-inch capacitive touch screen can smoothly run GUI demos such as LVGL. Combined with various peripheral interfaces (CAN interface, I2C ...
The ESP32-S3-Touch-LCD-1.28 (hereinafter referred to as "the development board") is a low-cost, high-performance microcontroller development board designed by Waveshare. It features a 1.28-inch capacitive touch LCD screen, a lithium battery charging chip, a six-axis sensor (three-axis accelerom...