The Blood of Nirn The Corrupted Stone The Fallen City of Shada The Gray Passage The Missing Guardian The Reason We Fight The Seeker's Archive The Serpent's Fang The Shattered and the Lost The Star-Gazers The Time-Lost Warrior The Trials of Rahni'Za ...
Inside the Infinite Archive, we recommend running the following setup for our Solo Magicka Sorcerer Build: 5x Whorl of Depths (Frontbar), 5x Pillar of Nirn (Backbar), 1x Ring of Pale Order, 2x Iceheart. All the sets are procing automatically, therefore you won’t have to worry about ...
Nirn, the Continent of Tamriel, one of the pixilated wonders of the gaming community since 1994 which has come a long way in the industry and became home of the top franchise that is The Elder Scrolls. All run oncheap ESO Gold. For years, countless numbers of gamers have ventured into...
Hermaeus Mora tasked with investigating a mysterious threat to the Daedric Prince’s most closely guarded secrets. You must seek out lost knowledge deep within the heart of the City of the Dead and walk between realities to uncover a vast conspiracy powerful enough to endanger Nirn and Oblivion...
Wretched Spire Some say Mehrunes Dagon ripped a chunk out of Nirn and tossed it into his own realm. That this chunk became the pitiful settlement known as Wretched Spire, A good story, if you like that sort of thing. I just appreciate that it exists for the Bladebearers to utilize. ...
We like to go in with Briarheart on the front bar and Pillar of Nirn on the back bar. These are both sets that have a simple proc condition and they work automatically. Additionally, we also have the Stormfist set that also deals proc damage. Basically, all sets do work without you ...
Nirncrux RedLearn the Nirnhoned Trait Nirnroot GrayBotanist Novice TanLevel 10 Hero Noxophilic BlackVampirism Oblivion VermilionOblivion Shard Gatherer Obsidian BlackExpert Deconstructor Ophidian JadeSanctum Ophidia Completed Orichalc GreenDaggerfall Master Explorer ...
Pillar of Nirn (2 items)Adds 657 Critical Chance (3 items)Adds 657 Critical Chance (4 items)Adds129 WeaponandSpell Damage (5 items)When you deal damage, you create a fissure underneath the enemy after 1 second, dealing803 Bleed Damageto all enemies within 2.5 meters and causing them to ...
I have multiple builds of each class in various different playstyles each carefully designed and stress-tested to Nirn and back in a huge amount of REAL in-game situations in order to deliver to you fully functioning, successful, content viable builds for players of ALL experience levels!!
*Both weapons: Bloodthorns touch set (Destruction staff - Nirnhoned, legendary quality! Restro staff - Powered, legendary quality!) Enchantements= 1) Shoulders, Gloves, Waist, foots - Max Magicka 2) Head, Body, Legs - Prismatic defense 3) Destruction staff - Frost damage glyph, Restro staff...