King Orgnum's WineSavior of Galen Kresh Flower RedGrand Master Crafting Harvester Lamae's WhiteVampirism Master Legate's BlackAlliance War Legate Legionary's LeadAlliance War Legionary Liar's LinenI Like M'aiq Lucentshard AzureLucent Citadel Vanquisher ...
Spirit of Fate Leramil the Wise near Tel Rendys in Telvanni Peninsula Leramil the Wise met me near the abandoned tower of Tel Rendys. She senses that both of us will be required to learn why Tel Rendys is important to stopping the threat facing Hermaeus Mora's realm and Nirn. Lerami...
Spirit of Fate Leramil the Wise near Tel Rendys in Telvanni Peninsula Leramil the Wise met me near the abandoned tower of Tel Rendys. She senses that both of us will be required to learn why Tel Rendys is important to stopping the threat facing Hermaeus Mora's realm and Nirn. Lerami...