29.05.2024 Updated the Build for the Gold Road Chapter U42. 20.08.2024 Updated the Build for Update 43, Gold Road Chapter. 28.10.2024 Updated the Build for Update 44, Gold Road Chapter. Tags: Stamina Sorcerer Build PvE, Stamina Sorc PvE Build, Stam Sorc PvE Build. ...
Welcome to theESO Werewolf PVP Build Stam Sorc“Rage” for Elder Scrolls Online. Make sure to bookmark the link as I will keep updating the build for each new Update of ESO. This Stamina Werewolf build is designed to bevery tankyand hashigh burst damagecapabilities. We are using theClever...
Sorc- Sorcerer Temp- Templar BRB- Be right back. Used when one is going away from their computer for a period of less than 5 minutes. AFK- Away from Keyboard. Used when one is going away from their computer for a period of more than 5 minutes. ...
HA- —Prefix applied for a character that deals damage through a specific build optimized around DoTs and heavy attacks, rather than traditional light attack weaving. Heal-/Healer—Healer. Sometimes they are further distinguished by a particular role in a PvE mechanic or the gear sets they are ...
—prefix applied to a sorcerer/sorc who uses both pets. stam- —stamina damage dealer. tank- —tank. sometimes further distinguished into mt and ot, for more information see the pve section. return to top edited by oterwitz on september 20, 2021 8:48am pc na #3 august 2021 5 oter...
Here I am going to explain the whole ESO Stamina Sorcerer PVP Build. Try to stick to the setup as much as possible. If you change too many things the Stam Sorc PVP Build might not function perfectly anymore. 5x Alchemist, 5x New Moon Acolyte, 2x Balorgh on an Orc with Lava Foot Soup...
Pet- —Prefix applied to a sorcerer/sorc who uses both pets. Stam- —Stamina damage dealer. Tank- —Tank. Sometimes further distinguished into MT and OT, for more information see the PvE section. Return To Top Edited by oterWitz on September 20, 2021 8:48AM PC NA #3 August 2021 ...
Pet- —Prefix applied to a sorcerer/sorc who uses both pets. Stam- —Stamina damage dealer. Tank- —Tank. Sometimes further distinguished into MT and OT, for more information see the PvE section. Return To Top Edited by oterWitz on September 20, 2021 8:48AM PC NA #3 August 2021 ...
Pet- —Prefix applied to a sorcerer/sorc who uses both pets. Stam- —Stamina damage dealer. Tank- —Tank. Sometimes further distinguished into MT and OT, for more information see the PvE section. Return To Top Edited by oterWitz on September 20, 2021 8:48AM PC NA #3 August 2021 ...
Pet- —Prefix applied to a sorcerer/sorc who uses both pets. Stam- —Stamina damage dealer. Tank- —Tank. Sometimes further distinguished into MT and OT, for more information see the PvE section. Return To Top Edited by oterWitz on September 20, 2021 8:48AM ...