Gear Setup Stam DK PvP Below you can find the gear setup for the Stam DK PVP Build. You can always adjust the gear to your needs. Our S&B bar is for defense and our Two hander bar is for offense. On the Two hander offensive bar we have Plaguebreak active. On the S&B defensive bar...
ESO PvP Builds for all classes. Cyrodiil & Battlegrounds setups as well as solo and group builds. Elder Scrolls Online.
PVP stam warden No Comments Damage (DPS) Tank Warden Author: OIGxBamBam Class: WARDEN Race: Orc Main Role: Damage Health, Magicka, Stamina HEALTHMAGICKASTAMINA 18k11.8k29.7k Skills Bar 1 Weapon 1: Two Handed Two Handed Skill Executioner...
Better for stam builds i personally think. Storm Calling -> Lightning Form -> Hurricane Storm Calling -> Surge -> Critical Surge Fighter’s Guild -> Trap Beast -> Barbed Trap Medium Armor -> Evasion -> Either Morph Bow -> Poison Arrow -> Poison Injection Bow -> Volley -> Endless ...
shield - max stam - infused bar 2: weapon - life drain - decisive weapon - life drain - decisive General Info food - longfin pasty with melon sauce (any tri stat) potions - tri-stat (can use stam pots for extra damage during trash or easy fights, i never bother) ...
-DK/Knight—Dragonknight -NB/Blade—Nightblade -Plar—Templar -Sorc—Sorcerer Prefixes Bomb- —See “Bomber” in the PvP section. Bot-/EZ/Cheese—A damage dealer that deals a lot of damage with little effort or an easy rotation. Bow- —A character that uses a bow on both bars. ...
-DK/Knight—Dragonknight -NB/Blade—Nightblade -Plar—Templar -Sorc—Sorcerer Prefixes Bomb- —See “Bomber” in the PvP section. Bot-/EZ/Cheese—A damage dealer that deals a lot of damage with little effort or an easy rotation. Bow- —A character that uses a bow on both bars. Gank...
DK- Dragonknight (class) DM- Direct Message DoM – Depth of Malatar (dungeon) DoT- Damage over Time DPS- Damage Per Second. Can literally mean how much damage a character does per second or can denote a character that does damage as their role in dungeons/trials Drops – Items that can...
Here I am going to explain the whole ESO Stamina Sorcerer PVP Build. Try to stick to the setup as much as possible. If you change too many things the Stam Sorc PVP Build might not function perfectly anymore. 5x Alchemist, 5x New Moon Acolyte, 2x Balorgh on an Orc with Lava Foot Soup...
Stamina Nightblade Gank Build PvP for Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds. Huge Burst & Escape Potential. Stamblade PvP, Elder Scrolls Online.