This build can have fair success in dueling though that’s not it’s strong spot. The changes to stamblade may have affected the time it takes to kill an opponent but they haven’t really affected it’s potential to secure a kill. Setup Gear Stamina Nightblade PvP Build Gear Slot Set...
Better for stam builds i personally think. Storm Calling -> Lightning Form -> Hurricane Storm Calling -> Surge -> Critical Surge Fighter’s Guild -> Trap Beast -> Barbed Trap Medium Armor -> Evasion -> Either Morph Bow -> Poison Arrow -> Poison Injection Bow -> Volley -> Endless ...
PVP stam warden No Comments Damage (DPS) Tank Warden Author: OIGxBamBam Class: WARDEN Race: Orc Main Role: Damage Health, Magicka, Stamina HEALTHMAGICKASTAMINA 18k11.8k29.7k Skills Bar 1 Weapon 1: Two Handed Two Handed Skill Executioner...
Gank- —See “Ganker” in the PvP section. HA- —Prefix applied for a character that deals damage through a specific build optimized around DoTs and heavy attacks, rather than traditional light attack weaving. Heal-/Healer—Healer. Sometimes they are further distinguished by a particular role in...
Gank- —See “Ganker” in the PvP section. HA- —Prefix applied for a character that deals damage through a specific build optimized around DoTs and heavy attacks, rather than traditional light attack weaving. Heal-/Healer—Healer. Sometimes they are further distinguished by a particular role in...
shield - max stam - infused bar 2: weapon - life drain - decisive weapon - life drain - decisive General Info food - longfin pasty with melon sauce (any tri stat) potions - tri-stat (can use stam pots for extra damage during trash or easy fights, i never bother) ...
what’s next for your character when you finally hit level 50 with this simple guide toESO’s end-game content.For moreESOguides, check out LemonSauce’sYouTube Channel.BuildsESO Sinker – Stamblack PvP Medium Armor BuildsSinker outlines his Stamblade changes withMurkmire, including the use ...
Stamina Sorcerer PVP Build for Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds. Insane burst damage, poweful healing and damage mitigation!
Stamina Nightblade Gank Build PvP for Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds. Huge Burst & Escape Potential. Stamblade PvP, Elder Scrolls Online.
revorik-Updated 6 hours ago Sorcerer Stamina Damage Dealer PvE AOE grimlg-Updated 6 hours ago 1 Sorcerer Tank PvE AoE Lightning Tank madrajin-Updated 6 hours ago Sorcerer Stamina Damage Dealer PvE aoe stam dlperkins2-Updated 6 hours ago...