Powerful Magicka Sorcerer PvP Build for Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds. Crazy Damage, Great Sustain, High Mobility. Elder Scrolls Online ESO
ESO PvP Builds for all classes. Cyrodiil & Battlegrounds setups as well as solo and group builds. Elder Scrolls Online.
Magicka Sorcerer has traditionally been one of the best PvP classes in ESO, however it has actually been struggling recently to maintain it’s place in the PvP meta. With that being said, the classic high maximum magicka MagSorc build is still very solid and provides a well-rounded build pr...
PvP ESO PVP MagSorc Beans.s-Updated 1 week ago 1 Sorcerer Stamina Damage Dealer PvP Negate Bomb Parke248-Updated 2 months ago 2 Sorcerer Magicka Damage Dealer PvE Off Meta but fun lightning sorcerer damon1139-Updated 3 weeks ago 3
One bar build Most viewed Arcanist Stamina Damage Dealer PvE Starcanist SteiNet 42 Likes 9 months ago Sorcerer Magicka Damage Dealer PvE OneBar MagSorc 92K+ DPS U41 𝓥𝓮𝓷𝓸𝓶 9 Likes 9 months ago Nightblade Stamina Damage Dealer PvE Heavy Noob Blade (hNB) milkey 15 Likes 7 ...
Best ESO Sorcerer Builds. PvE and PvP Meta and Beginner Guides for the Sorcerer Class in the Elder Scrolls Online.
Just like the MagDK Support Role, The Magsorc can also cover an “Offensive” or “Defensive” role. This build will cover mainly the Offensive aspect. You should have a Defensive Magsorc only if you already have an Offensive one.