Powerful Magicka Sorcerer PvP Build for Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds. Crazy Damage, Great Sustain, High Mobility. Elder Scrolls Online ESO
Stamina Sorcerer PVP Build for Cyrodiil and Battlegrounds. Insane burst damage, poweful healing and damage mitigation!
Sorc Vampire hybrid onebar daedric ThorsCookies-Updated 1 month ago 19 Sorcerer Magicka Damage Dealer PvP Imperial City Police Darkopatine-Updated 3 weeks ago 2 Sorcerer Stamina Damage Dealer PvE MK Sorcerer ctbee-Updated 2 weeks ago 1
PvP Sorc Vampire hybrid onebar daedric ThorsCookies 1 month ago 13 Templar Stamina Damage Dealer PvE Templar Hybrid PvE DPS (Gold Road/U45) Mace Wolfheart 1 week ago 2 Nightblade Magicka Damage Dealer PvE [70K DPS] Single-target Melee Magicka Nightblade DPS build [PvE, Easy] ...
-Sorc—Sorcerer Prefixes Bomb- —See “Bomber” in the PvP section. Bot-/EZ/Cheese—A damage dealer that deals a lot of damage with little effort or an easy rotation. Bow- —A character that uses a bow on both bars. Gank- —See “Ganker” in the PvP section. HA- —Prefix applied...
AP- Alliance Points, the currency of PvP. It's earned from basically any PvP activity. LFC- Looking for Camp. Should be used when a keep under attack is in need of a camp. Can be mistaken for Liverpool Football Club. FC- Forward Camp, which used to be a type of PvP equipment that...
what’s next for your character when you finally hit level 50 with this simple guide toESO’s end-game content.For moreESOguides, check out LemonSauce’sYouTube Channel.BuildsESO Sinker – Stamblack PvP Medium Armor BuildsSinker outlines his Stamblade changes withMurkmire, including the use ...
seems like the perfect MMO to play solo through the stories and then do MMO-things with like the anchor events and running dungeons and PvP and stuff...Beat the main story once, never got a character past like level 35?So to anyone that does play regularly - what's the ...
PvP- Player vs Player Q QQ- Although it is now popularly used as a crying emote, it actually stems from Warcraft. On battlenet, you could press ALT+Q+Q to immediately exit the match and program. So the term “QQ” was used to tell people to quit. R RNG- Random Number Generator. ...
Stamina Sorcerer Werewolf Build PvP by Alcast! Heavy Armor Werewolf with insane burst capabilities! Elder Scrolls Online ESO.