从下载的 zip 文件中将插件解压缩到 AddOns 文件夹 登录游戏,在角色创建界面,你会发现插件菜单。从那里启用你的插件。 下面介绍常用ESO插件: lorebook在地图上标记了所有法师工会需要找的书,找书会提升你的法师工会技能等级 skyshards在地图上标记了所有天空碎片,每吸收三个获得一个技能点 小地图添加实时小地图,但...
This is where the LoreBooks AddOn comes into play – it puts the location of every uncollected LoreBook in ESO on the map for you, so you can find them much more easily. It still takes a few hours to go around the map and collect them all, but at least this makes it a lot more...
x—Invite me to the group. May also be followed by more information such as your role (see the PvE section for more info on roles). This is because of an addon for pc which autoinvites people if they type a specific letter or phrase, with the default being x:https://www.esoui.com...
I'd love to have an accurate map and an accurate world alongside it. ESO's mistakes being fixed would contribute greatly to fixing its soured reputation among direhard lore fans. And I wouldn't have to maintain an addon to do this if the vanilla game fixes its mistakes. Everyone wins lo...
Tip: to save a ginormous amount of time, getDolgubon’s Lazy Writ Crafteraddon. It enables you to skip dialogue when taking and turning in writ quests, and craft Clothing, Blacksmithing, Jewelry and Woodworking items with literally 1 click. As icing on the cake, this addon will also open...
most often used as a label for certain types of guilds and groups who play the game as group of characters participating in a larger story which may or may not be rooted in the game's story and lore. rq—rage quit. when a person leaves a group after they or the group dies. sniping...
x—Invite me to the group. May also be followed by more information such as your role (see the PvE section for more info on roles). This is because of an addon for pc which autoinvites people if they type a specific letter or phrase, with the default being x:https://www.esoui.com...
RP—Roleplay, most often used as a label for certain types of guilds and groups who play the game as group of characters participating in a larger story which may or may not be rooted in the game's story and lore. RQ—Rage Quit. When a person leaves a group after they or the group...
RP—Roleplay, most often used as a label for certain types of guilds and groups who play the game as group of characters participating in a larger story which may or may not be rooted in the game's story and lore. RQ—Rage Quit. When a person leaves a group after they or the group...
RP—Roleplay, most often used as a label for certain types of guilds and groups who play the game as group of characters participating in a larger story which may or may not be rooted in the game's story and lore. RQ—Rage Quit. When a person leaves a group after they or the group...