有的时候Minion会无法定位到你的addons文件夹,那个就需要你手动去给它定位 找到一个 AddOns 文件夹,如果没有,请创建一个。 从下载的 zip 文件中将插件解压缩到 AddOns 文件夹 登录游戏,在角色创建界面,你会发现插件菜单。从那里启用你的插件。 下面介绍常用ESO插件: lorebook在地图上标记了所有法师工会需要找的...
Best ESO Addons. Top 10 Addons. A full list of the most important ESO addons. Map Pins, Hodor Reflexes, LUI Extended and more!
Druidic Kettle Spout Gold On High Isle, in a bay north of Stonelore Falls (striking locale, eye symbol on the map). The lead is in an old Breton teapot next to a boulder in the bay. (Location Image) Druidic Provisioning Station Furnishing (Image) Master Druidic Pestle Gold On Amenos...
Lorebook text By Nalana, Advisor to House Tamrith In the distant past, the dark and foreboding pinnacle of stone known as the Doomcrag was a place of learning and worship for the Ayleid people. But in recent memory, the place has been known as a haunted peak beyond a treacherous pass ...
Lorebook text By Hafara Witches and witch-hunters are, by nature, uncivil to one another, but the witches of Eastmarch and my clan, the Direfrost witch-hunters, have particularly bad blood between us. I cannot say I blame the witches for their hatred—we have clashed often in these mount...
Parse/Parsing—Practicing one's weaving and rotation on a target dummy furnishing, which then posts your damage per second to your chat window after killing it. On PC, there are addons, most notably Combat Metrics, which give a far more detailed report of the fight/parse. Parsing is a go...
SeeHow to install interface addonsfor help if you need it. Master Merchant (MM) will also show you sales of everyone else in all guilds you are in. This gives you an easy overview of what players are selling, and if you dig deep enough it can give you even more gold making ideas....
Parse/Parsing—Practicing one's weaving and rotation on a target dummy furnishing, which then posts your damage per second to your chat window after killing it. On PC, there are addons, most notably Combat Metrics, which give a far more detailed report of the fight/parse. Parsing is a go...
Depending on how you level (quest, grind, etc), you should have found your first lorebook by now. These are books spread throughout the world and shimmer blue. They will help you level a new skill line called Mages Guild. You will need that for this build. Best would be maximum (...