教程文案eslpod播客guide.pdf,GLOSSARY lamb – meat that comes from a young sheep * Don’t overcook the lamb, or it won’t be tender. It should still be pink when you slice it open. chops – a thick slice of meat, usually of pork or lamb, normally with a r
资料分析讲稿eslpod文本.pdf,ESL Podcast 01 IntroductIon ESL Podcast 12 dInIng at a rEStaurant (FaSt) ESL Podcast 13 dInIng at a rEStaurant II (FaSt) ESL Podcast 15 goIng to a concErt II (FaSt) ESL Podcast 16 SummErtImE Vacat IonS (FaSt) ESL Podcast 17 goI
eslpod1223经历艰难童年.pdf,English as a Second Language Podcast ESL Podcast 1223 – Experiencing a Difficult Childhood GLOSSARY to abandon (someone) at birth – to give up one’s baby and no longer have anything to do with it; to refuse to serve as a mot
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eslpod播客guideesl 1089非传统婚姻.pdf,GLOSSARY to tie the knot – to get married * They tied the knot in a beautiful ceremony on the beach. convention – a standard, commonly accepted way of ng things * Do you ever want to go convention and dress your bo
模式仍然是:慢速,讲解,常速。但这本书难度较高。 PDF资源链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lvZaOAsHPDsrLDHfIsYEvg 提取码:fr6t 声音(1)评价(0) 正序|倒序 1 Business_Meetings_04 3232 2020-05 专辑主播 会思考的太阳 13389
Eslpod 六本教材 百度网盘下载 mp3+pdf 奶爸推荐 learn 人气楷模 13 关于ESLPod ESL专题节目系列教材合集,请参见恶魔的奶爸的新书《把你的英语用起来》,是一本又励志又有独特方法的好书,建议努力学英语的大家都来看看。以下是原书摘录: ESLPOD每一期都提供极其地道,我们在课本上学不到的英文表达,因为它独特的...
eslpod六本教材pdf版是专为想要学习奶爸六本教材的朋友打造的PDF文件,小编已为大家压缩了完整版,大家可以下载进行学习哦,如果不想要pdf格式的朋友还可以使用软件进行转换成其它格式哦~ eslpod六本教材pdf版目录 1,Introduction to the United States(美国简介) 2, A Day in the Life of Jeff(Jeff的一天) 3, ...
ESLPod__Guide[精选PDF] GLOSSARY to delegate – to give other people part of the work that one is supposed to do; to ask or tell other people to help with one’s work; to give people who work for you work that you are responsible for completing * When Charlotte had to write a 20-...