eslpod 听力文本eslpod 听力文本 ESL Podcast(英语作为第二语言播客)是一个专门为英语学习者设计的听力练习资源。以下是一个虚构的、符合ESL Podcast风格的500字左右的听力文本示例: ESL Podcast 听力文本示例 主题:健康饮食 Narrator: Today, we're going to talk about healthy eating habits. Staying healthy i...
【ESLPOD教材】A Day in the Life of Lucy(合集)_文本+词汇整理共计10条视频,包括:Getting Up、Cleaning Up and Putting on Make-up、Eating Breakfast等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
ESLPOD 的节目内容涵盖了日常生活、文化、科技、商业等各个方面,旨在帮助英语学习者提高英语听力和口语能力,同时扩展知识面。节目形式多样,有访谈、讲座、新闻报道等,能够满足不同学习者的需求。 ESLPOD 的教学方法独特,采用“听、模仿、跟读、练习”的方式,让学习者在听力练习中提高口语能力。节目还会提供相关的学习资...
eslpod daily english文本 以下是eslpod daily english的文本及翻译: 文本: Hello, listeners! Today, we’re going to talk about the importance of learning English. English is the language of international business, science, and technology. It’s also the language most commonly used on the internet...
资料分析讲稿eslpod文本.pdf,ESL Podcast 01 IntroductIon ESL Podcast 12 dInIng at a rEStaurant (FaSt) ESL Podcast 13 dInIng at a rEStaurant II (FaSt) ESL Podcast 15 goIng to a concErt II (FaSt) ESL Podcast 16 SummErtImE Vacat IonS (FaSt) ESL Podcast 17 goI
【ESLPOD教材】A Day in the Life of Lucy(合集)_文本+词汇整理 6293 -- 6:11:19 App 【70集全】工作英语全系列BBC 《English at work》追剧沉浸式学英语,太有趣了 4068 -- 12:10:09 App 【日语单词】日语单词轻松背|10天背完N5-N2全部单词 8050 1 1:57:39 App 4000集+【零基础英语启蒙动画】...
eslpodesl文本askingfasttrip ESLP s 01...IntroductIon ESLP s 12...dInIngatarEStaurant(FaSt) ESLP s 13...dInIngatarEStaurantII(FaSt) ESLP s 15...goIngtoaconcErtII(FaSt) ESLP s 16...SummErtImEVacatIonS(FaSt) ESLP s 17...goIngtothEmoVIES(FaSt) ESLP s 18...gEttIngaround(FaSt) ESLP s 19...
关注公众号“英语听说训练营”听课程音频,另可免费获取ESLpod 2005年到2015年音频及文本内容 原文: Istopped bythedrugstorelast nighton my way back homefrom work. I had a fewtoiletries to pick up, as well as myprescription. Fortunately, thechainpharmacy where I go has a little bit of everything...
eslpodpodcastspecialist听力doctorguide EnglishasaSecondLanguagePodcast.eslpodESLPodcast164–SeeingaSpecialistThesematerialsarecopyrightedbytheCenterforEducationalDevelopment(2006).Postingofthesematerialsonanotherwebsiteordistributingtheminanywayisprohibited.1GLOSSARYnaggingpain–apainthatcontinuestohurtandthatwon’tgoaway...
【文本】链接: 提取码: 9eq9知识 校园学习 英语听力 词汇 英语学习 小胡的学习笔记 发消息 关注36 小胡的学习笔记 1/2 UP主的全部视频 【ESLPOD教材】A Day in the Life of Lucy(合集)_文本+词汇整理 175播放 Getting Up 22:22 ...