可配置的 ESLint 规则,用于 ESLint 核心规则未涵盖或未充分涵盖的文体问题。 Install npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-style Usage 在您的.eslintrc中: {"plugins":["style"],"rules":{"style/group-imports":"error"}} Rules style/group-imports 需要对导入进行分组,并用新行分隔组。 此规则可部...
Stylelint integration for ESLint. Latest version: 0.1.1, last published: a year ago. Start using eslint-plugin-stylelint in your project by running `npm i eslint-plugin-stylelint`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using eslint-plugin-style
stylelint 主要是针对样式代码,和 eslint 的关系像是兄弟关系,不同分工和职责。eslint 和 prettier 的关系不太一样,它俩可以结合着用,有些冲突时可以通过配置决定选择哪个。 看你的需求,可以考虑借用 npm script 来实现即可,就是简单的组合命令: "fix:es": "eslint --fix", "fix:css": "stylelint --fi...
correct eslint flat config in migration guide (#634) (16a0ae0) Chores release-please-mark (e9ca882) 2.12.0(2024-12-08) Bug Fixes comma-style:handles comma after default import and trailing comma (#600) (2d8d8ce) function-call-spacing:remove invalid defaults from schema (#617) (0714754...
:sparkles: Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript - fix(eslint-plugin): [consistent-indexed-object-style] don't report on… · typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint@7eba36e
.eslintrc.js: module.exports={plugins:['vue-scoped-style-tags',],rules:{'vue-scoped-style-tags':'error',},}; 选项: always never $(yarn bin)/eslint --ext .vue Examples 无效.vue文件: <template> ??? </template> <style> body...
:sparkles: Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript - fix(eslint-plugin): [class-literal-property-style] don't report nodes… · developer-bandi/typescript-eslint@0cbd4cd
Enforce arrow function return style and automatically fix it - u3u/eslint-plugin-arrow-return-style
:sparkles: Monorepo for all the tooling which enables ESLint to support TypeScript - feat(eslint-plugin): add `consistent-indexed-object-style` rule (#2401) · typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint@d7dc108
fix(eslint-plugin): [consistent-indexed-object-style] use a suggestion over an auto-fix if can't reliably determine that produced index signature is valid #10490 Open ronami wants to merge 3 commits into typescript-eslint:main from ronami:consistent-indexed-object-style-change-auto-fix...