以下是 `eslint-plugin-html` 的一些规则: 1. `no-html-script-scripts`: 这个规则用于禁止在 `<script>` 标签内直接写 JavaScript 代码。在大多数情况下,应该将 JavaScript 代码放在单独的 `.js` 文件中,并在 HTML 文件中通过 `<script>` 标签引入。 2. `no-html-script-async`: 这个规则用于禁止在 ...
Ineslint-plugin-htmlv1 and v2, script code were concatenated and linted in a single pass, so the scope were always shared. This causedsome issues, so in v3 all scripts were linted separately, and scopes were never shared. In v4, the plugin still lint scripts separately, but makes sure ...
ESLint has already an option to tell the parser if the script are modules. eslint-plugin-html will use this option as well to know if the scopes should be shared (the default) or not. To change this, just set it in your ESLint configuration:...
So, as of v3,eslint-plugin-htmlwill lint inline scripts separately, meaning each script will be seen as a different file byESLint. This implies backward incompatible changes for some rules, example: Please report issues you have with this new behavior. If some rules are c...
Failed to load plugin html: Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-html' Failed to load plugin html: Cannot find module 'eslint-plugin-html' npm install –save-dev eslint-plugin-html安装插件
eslint-plugin-html is installed locally and globally. Config { "extends": "eslint:recommended", "env": { "es6": true, "node": true, "browser": true }, "globals": { "$": true, "Vue": true, "config": true }, "parserOptions": { "sourceType": "module" }, "plugins": [ "...
用webstorm打开项目报错Error: eslint-plugin-html error: It seems that eslint is not loaded.,尝试全局安装eslint和修改eslint-plugin-html为3.00版本还是不行。请老师解答伪装的很酷 2019-01-25 源自:ES6快速入门 1-2 关注问题 我要回答 2098 分享 操作 收起 ...
webStorm报 Failed to load plugin react: Cannot find module 1038 0 2 html-webpack-plugin和clean-webpack-plugin安装的错误 1134 0 4 Error: Cannot find module '@vue/babel-plugin-bable-plugin-jsx' 1242 0 5 EsLint报错error Parsing error: 1228 0 4 html-loader和html-webpack-plugin...
Error: eslint-plugin-html error: It seems that eslint is not loaded.Error: eslint-plugin-html error: It seems that eslint is not loaded.怎么解决guanxiu 2018-06-26源自:ES6快速入门 1-2 关注问题 我要回答 3774 分享 操作 收起 2 回答慕粉3721698 2018-09-04 我也遇到这个问题,你解决了吗...
https://eslint.vuejs.org/rules/html-indent.html#options如文档中提到的,在规则 vue/html-indent 中,可以通过配置 ignores 字段来忽略指定的节点,但是具体语法是怎样的呢?比如我要忽略模板中的自定义组件的标签 doc-code 中的内容,应该怎么写呢?