recommended: false, url: "" }, schema: [], messages: { unexpected: "Unexpected use of continue statement." } }, create(context) { return { ContinueStatement(
description: "disallow `continue` statements", recommended: false, url: "" }, schema: [], messages: { unexpected: "Unexpected use of continue statement." } }, create(context) { return { ContinueStatement(node) {{ node, messageId:...
unexpectedWith: "Unexpected use of 'with' statement." } }, // create (function) 返回一个对象,其中包含了 ESLint 在遍历 js 代码的抽象语法树 AST (ESTree 定义的 AST) 时,用来访问节点的方法。 create(context) { // 如果一个 key 是个节点类型或 selector,在 向下 遍历树时,ESLint 调用 visitor...
10. 'Unexpected side effect in "submitParams" computed property' 这个出错是因为我在计算属性中对其他属性值做了赋值操作,换成watch就好了,应该是计算属性仅做单纯的运算,不好直接变更属性值 11. 'Identifier 'col_names' is not in camel case' 没有使用驼峰方式命名 12. 'Unnecessary use of conditional e...
“Function declarations should not be placed in blocks. Use a function expression or move the statement to the top of the outer function.”:“函数的声明不能放在类似if的块中,需要放在外部函数的顶部.”
Theternary operatoris very similar to anif/elsestatement. If the expression before the question mark evaluates to a truthy value, the value to the left of the colon is returned, otherwise, the value to the right of the colon is returned. ...
{code:"console.warn(foo)", options: [{ allow: ["info","log"] }], errors: [{ messageId:"unexpected", type:"MemberExpression"}] },// In case that implicit global variable of 'console' exists{code:"console.log(foo)", env: { node: true }, errors: [{ messageId:"unexpected", ty...
console.log('Hello,World'):AssertionError[ERR_ASSERTION]:Should have no errors but had1:[{ruleId:'no-console',severity:1,message:'Unexpected console statement.',line:1,column:1,nodeType:'MemberExpression',messageId:'unexpected',endLine:1,endColumn:12}]+expected-...
This inspection reports any instances of JavaScript if statements of the formif(true)... or if(false)...These statements sometimes occur due to automatic refactoring, and may obviously be simplified. 25.continuestatement (Rule suggestion : disallow the use of continue statement#1945) This...
ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx src/lib-common/bug.ts /home/joonas/projects/espoo/evaka/frontend/src/lib-common/bug.ts 1:7 error Unsafe assignment of an`any`value @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment 2:1 error Unexpected console statement no-console ✖ 2 problems (2 errors, 0 warnings)<...