options: [{ allow: ["error"] }], errors: [{ messageId: "unexpected", type: "MemberExpression" }] }, { code: "console.error(foo)", options: [{ allow: ["warn"] }], errors: [{ messageId: "unexpected", type: "MemberExpression...
“Unexpected comment.” : “不该在此处出现注释”, “Unescaped ‘{a}’.” : “没有转义 ‘{a}’”, “Unexpected control character in regular expression.” : “在正则表达式中出现了control字符”, “Unexpected escaped character ‘{a}’ in regular expression.” : “在正则表达式中出现了没有转义...
“Missing semicolon.”:“缺少分号.”,“Use thefunctionformof”use strict”.”:“使用标准化定义function.”,“Unexpected space after ‘-’.”:“在’-'后面不应出现空格.”,“Expected aJSONvalue.”:“请传入一个json的值.”,“Mixed spaces and tabs.”:“空格和TAB重复.”,“Unsafe character.”:...
6. 'Unexpected trailing comma' 行尾多了一个逗号 7. 'Unexpected template string expression' 使用了不必要的模板字符串表达式 8. '"XXX" is never reassigned. Use 'const'' 使用let声明的变量,之后没有重新分配,使用const代替 9. 'Expected space(s) after "if"' 'Missing space before function parenthe...
7. 'Unexpected template string expression' 使⽤了不必要的模板字符串表达式 8. '"XXX" is never reassigned. Use 'const'' 使⽤let声明的变量,之后没有重新分配,使⽤const代替 9. 'Expected space(s) after "if"' 'Missing space before function parentheses''Missing space before opening brace'...
// 禁止出现令人困惑的多行表达式 "no-unexpected-multiline":2, // 禁止在return、throw、continue 和 break语句之后出现不可达代码 /* function foo() { return true; console.log("done"); }//错误 */ "no-unreachable":2, // 要求使用 isNaN() 检查 NaN "use-isnan":2, // 强制使用有效的 JS...
// expression:强制使用方法表达式的方式,var f = function() {} e.g [2, "expression"] // allowArrowFunctions: declaration风格中允许箭头函数。 e.g [2, "declaration", { "allowArrowFunctions": true }] "func-style": 0, "no-alert": 0,//禁止使用alert confirm prompt ...
“Use the function form of \”use strict\”.” : “使用标准化定义function.”, “Unexpected space after ‘-’.” : “在’-'后面不应出现空格.”, “Expected a JSON value.” : “请传入一个json的值.”, “Mixed spaces and tabs.”: “空格和TAB重复.”, ...
7. 'Unexpected template string expression' 使用了不必要的模板字符串表达式 8. '"XXX" is never reassigned. Use 'const'' 使用let声明的变量,之后没有重新分配,使用const代替 9. 'Expected space(s) after "if"', 'Missing space before function parentheses', 'Missing space before opening brace', 'Ex...