'scope' is defined but never used.eslint-plugin-vue 意思是声明了scope却没有使用它,这是vue的eslink插件检测的。 解决方案: 1、把vetur的eslint检查关闭 2、修改eslinttrc.js文件 'no-unused-vars':'off' 3、项目配置中关闭ue/no-unused-vars 参考:https://www.pianshen.com/article/89071443900/...
这个错的意思是声明了scope却没有使用它,这是vue的eslink插件检测的。 我想这个scope的属性不是自己的吗,咋是我声明了它呢,这个时候头脑突然跳出来了scope这个属性被最新vue已经弃用了,升级成slot-scope了 最后我把scope改成slot-scope就不报错了
字符串没有使用单引号(’quotes’: [1, ’single’]) :String must use singlequote 缩进错误 : Expected indentation of 2 spaces but found 4 没有使用全等(eqeqeq) : Expected ’ === ’ and instaed saw ‘==’ 导入组件却没有使用 : ‘seller’ is defined but never used new了一个对象却没有...
类型三、'*' was used before it was defined 类型四、 '*' is defined but never used 类型五、Unexpected negated condition 类型六、 '*' is not defined 类型七、Unexpected mix of '/' and '-' 类型八、Unexpected string concatenation of literals 类型九、Expected '===' and instead saw '==' ...
14. 已定义但是没有使⽤:‘scope’ is defined but never used *** 规则的含义:“off” or 0 - 关闭(禁⽤)规则 “warn” or 1 - 将规则视为⼀个警告(并不会导致检查不通过)“error” or 2 - 将规则视为⼀个错误 (退出码为1,检查不通过)常⽤规则:Possible Errors 可能的错误或逻辑错误...
类型四、 '*' is defined but never used 提示警告的波浪线如下图所示: 警告的意思是某些对象被定义了,但是没有被使用到。解决方式是去掉没有必要的声明对象 ,修改后如下图所示,警告的波浪线消失: 类型五、Unexpected negated condition 提示警告的波浪线如下图所示: ...
Not sure if it's the same as #5. I get error React is defined but never used no-unused-vars in a JS file that doesn't reference React directly, but uses JSX (and thus needs to have React in scope).
Eslint error 'reject' is defined but never used no, As @IceMetalPunk said there is no need to use a promise here however the lint issue you are getting is simply because you never use the reject parameter. Either turn off that warning or remove the parameter return new ...
/node_modules/eslint-loader/index.js): D:\node-vue-moba\admin\src\views\CategoryEdit.vue 24:11 error...'res' is assigned a value but never used no-unused-...
-eslint:recommended-plugin:import-x/recommended#alternatively, 'recommended' is the combination of these two rule sets:-plugin:import-x/errors-plugin:import-x/warnings#or configure manually:plugins: -import-xrules:import-x/no-unresolved:[2, { commonjs: true, amd: true }]import-x/named:2impo...