对于我的foo.spec.js测试,eslint 不断抛出以下错误。似乎认为jest,beforeEach,afterEach等…未在该文件中定义。 11:1error'beforeEach'isnotdefined no-undef12:3error'jest'isnotdefined no-undef14:13error'jest'isnotdefined no-undef18:1error'afterEach'isnotdefined no-undef20:1error'describe'isnotdefined ...
在没有引发以下错误的情况下,我很难完成一个next build:{ ReferenceError: describe is not defined{ "version": "0.1.0", "private": true,/eslint-plugi 浏览9提问于2020-05-24得票数 2 4回答 Nuxt/Vue-meta: info.meta.filter不是一个函数 、、、 在我们的package.json升级有关,因为我们得到的错误也...
and not a $Chainer? }); }); 它在赛普拉斯运行得很好。但是我在 Webstorm 中遇到 Typescript 错误,说 cy 没有定义(TS 和 ESlint 错误),并且在 describe 上出现错误,说 all files must be modules when the --isolatedModules flag is provided。我...
Describe the bug The default .eslintrc.cjs file included in packages/create-vite/template-react and packages/create-vite/template-react-ts has a linter error in a freshly generated app. 'module' is not defined Reproduction https://stackb...
如何使用jest &eslint在vue.js中定义describe()、it()和expect()? 、、、 Files: "C:\Users\tarek\Dogalu\dogalu_frontend_v2\tests\unit\Gridcard.test.js"这是我的Jest测试,但我只得到了未定义的函数我几乎什么都试过了,包括npm安装-geslintnpm安装-g玩笑。' rules: { 'no-console':process.env.NOD...
By default eslint will flag vitest globals that aren't imported (describe , expect) etc as errors because they violate the no-undef rule: error 'describe' is not defined no-undef We can prevent this using : env: { 'vitest/env': true` } O...
报xxx is not defined 如果是一些外部引入的对象(如angular,jquery等),需要添加一个全局变量的配置 解决办法: {"globals":{"angular":1}}// 或者数组{"globals":["describe","it","expect"]} 参考:https://davidwalsh.name/eslint 配置解析器
describe: 'readonly', it: 'readonly', before: 'readonly', beforeEach: 'readonly', assert: 'readonly', cy: 'readonly', expect: 'readonly', }, settings: { react: { pragma: 'React', version: 'detect', }, }, } package.json: ...
This is included in all configs shared by this plugin, so can be omitted if extending them. Aliased Jest globals You can tell this plugin about any global Jests you have aliased using the globalAliases setting: { "settings": { "jest": { "globalAliases": { "describe": ["context"], "...
message: 'Uncaught ReferenceError: xxx is not defined', filename: 'http://localhost:7001/public/bundle.e7877aa7bc4f04f5c33b.js' } describe('parseStackTrack Method:', () => { it("测试Stack转换为StackFrame对象", () => { expect(StackParser.parseStackTrack(error.stack, error.message))...