"plugins": [ "react-hooks" ], "rules": { "react-hooks/rules-of-hooks": "error" } }, 3.重启项目
npm install eslint-plugin-hooks-limit --save-dev // 在项目的eslint配置中加入配置 这里设置2个hooks的调用触发eslint的waring { "extends": [ "next/core-web-vitals", "plugin:eslint-plugin-hooks-limit/recommended" ], "plugins": [ "hooks-limit" ], "rules": { "hooks-limit/no-too-many-h...
#npmnpm install eslint-plugin-react-hooks --save-dev#yarnyarn add eslint-plugin-react-hooks --dev Then extend the recommended eslint config: {"extends":[// ..."plugin:react-hooks/recommended"]} Custom Configuration If you want more fine-grained configuration, you can instead add a snippet...
React eslint-plugin-react-hooks version: 4.6.0 Steps To Reproduce Write a function with a bunch of conditionals, and a React hook. Run the rules-of-hooks linter. (For example, add an eslint config like { rules: { "react-hooks/rules-of-ho...
eslint 深度检测 react hooks eslint.options 个人认为eslint可以很好的保证代码规范,当然在开发调试过程中可能会很麻烦,所以下面说下怎么关闭eslint: 这里只说下vue-cli脚手架的关闭方法,其实很简单,就是把 build/webpack.base.conf.js 配置文件中的eslint rules注释掉即可。
npm install eslint-plugin-react-hooks --save-dev # yarn yarn add eslint-plugin-react-hooks --dev 2.添加一个文件.eslintrc.json {"env": {"browser":true,"node":true,"es6":true},"parserOptions": {"ecmaVersion": 2018,"sourceType": "module","ecmaFeatures": {"jsx":true} ...
1.首先在vscode中运行npm i eslint-plugin-react-hooks -D安装依赖; 2.然后打开package.json进行配置: "eslintConfig": { "extends": "react-app", "plugins": [ "react-hooks" ], "rules": { "react-hooks/rules-of-hooks":"error" }
{ "plugins": ["react-hooks-optimization"], "rules": { "react-hooks-optimization/prefer-optimization": [ "warn", { "performanceThreshold": { "complexity": 5, // Function complexity threshold (number of conditions/loops) "arraySize": 1000 // Array size threshold (number of elements) } }...